
I'm sure this measured statement comes after weeks of soul-searching and personal reflection on the part of Mr. Jones. Also after he was threatened with a massive defamation lawsuit.

Well, so now I know there's at least one person under the age of 85 who still refers to people as "Orientals," so thanks for that, Rep. Bost.

But now I know what "suppletion" is, so it's all good.

Linguist nerds be buggin'.

Sling Blade didn't age well? I dunno, I still think BBT did a pretty good job conveying emotional depth despite his character's consistently flat affect. And it sure wasn't sappy, like just about every other pick on this list.

Ditto. All I can remember about TWE was being underwhelmed and thinking that it was the weakest, by far, of the three. I'm actually surprised the AV Club and most of the posters here would mildly-to-strongly disagree.

Gonna make my oh-face - ohh, ohhh,ohhh…

Good list, but you missed one of my faves: the f-bomb dropped by Robert Duvall's character in the movie Falling Down. Duvall plays a police detective whose captain can't stand him because he's supposedly an unmanly cowared who "doesn't curse". Towards the end, after Duvall's character has proved himself, we get this: 

What's so funny? This could sooo happen. In fact, here's exactly how that Marxist Kenyan autocrat will marshal his thuggish Negroid forces: 

Not that I'm the first one to point it out here, but Luck of the Fry-Ish is a glaring omission. It's a rare thing for a sitcom — and an animated one at that — to deliver a genuine emotional payoff the way that episode did. I especially loved how they introduced the Breakfast Club soundtrack midway as a throwaway jab