
This, and other tax incentives, are fairly common partnerships between developers and cities.

Tax incentives might be a TIF or similar vehicle that won’t cost taxpayers anything. It likely means tax deferred payments or a “tax-free” period.

I can summarize for you...Republicans BAD! Taxes Good!

It’s because they have to differentiate themselves from one another, sanders is a life long far left wing independent whos majority of donations come from either lower/middle class citizens. Clinton is a moderate left wing candidate that is in bed with establishment politics, and who’s majority of donations come from

Someone better ask HRC about having the real names and locations of undercover agents on her home fucking email.

Seems like you’re the expert on it.

I knew I shouldn’t have stapled all of that haunted bologna to that Bible and taught it how to speak. I am sorry everyone.

Greg Olsen: “I told you we shouldn’t have let Russell Wilson do a guest verse.”

Luckily, Olsen’s wife will never see this.

Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”

good luck getting rid of illegally purchased guns you dumbfuck.

Tell me again how disarming the law abiding will make criminals follow more gun laws?

didn’t read the story but just to let you know- no one and I mean no one cares about your midwestern to NYC bullshit-

Ciara already tried a Future upgrade; it didn’t take.

I can barely drink one of those before the sweetness becomes overpowering. It’s so great at first, but quickly gets old.

Profound words, pooping

Holy shit get over yourself.

THE BATTLE SHIP! (I always thought it was a battleship, anyway.)

You might have said something useful, but I don't know, because you used some strange measuring scale that I hate.

Breaking news: Kobe Bryant is a dick, bad teammate