butter-wrapped suede

The advice to “Wash your hands often, especially after handling packages” would still apply, no? Grab the box, pour the crackers in a bowl or something, and wash your hands before you eat. As far as we know now, the virus lasts on cardboard for a day so after 24 hours, you should be fine but you can always continue

Exactly this. Or the box touches other items on your shelf, or you put the box down on your kitchen table. Someone else grabs the box to get a few crackers and now it’s on them. I’d say considering what’s happening around the world, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you buy anything, transfer the contents to other

So I grab a box of crackers from the store that happens to have the virus from another person on it. I sanitize my hands after leaving the store and after putting my groceries away...while that box still remains with the virus. That’s where this articles ends it. What about when I grab the box from the cabinet to eat

Congratulations to your nephew on his well-earned scholarship and tuition. One of my friend’s kids had the same dilemma back in 2006. That kid went to Alabama for the same reasons. He found the accommodations, campus, and class offerings to be more comfortable and closer to home. I hope your nephew gets the same

We need satelite locations! I attended a HBCU for a while but 1. It was too expensive and 2. It was just to far away from Detroit. I wish we had more of the. It’s expensive to get a child back and forth to a college located in Tallahassee Fl or Huntsville Alabama. On top of housing, meal cards, tuition etc. With the

That’s ok, I got essential oils, crystals and lucky talismans on backup. : P

Damn, I had forgotten about that. Frankly a bit amazed he hasn’t sued The Root for reverse racism RICO.

Ah, another opportunity to link back to Wonkette’s very comprehensive coverage of all things Larry Klayman:

His name is Larry Klansman? You can’t make up this stuff.

Zimmy needs to re-stick his head back up his colon, go back to his cul-de-sac and stay there, preferably without saying another fucking word ever again.

If you’re wondering how this lawsuit is even a thing, this, this here is how this is a thing:

His name is Larry Klansman? You can’t make up this stuff.

George, we can’t miss you until you go away, motherfucker.

Sad, but true. I’m sure plenty of maga morons would happily fork over the little money they have to hear this hispanic man parading as a white man, spew hate.

The man is a living, breathing, blood on his hands troll. At this point, he has no other purpose in life other then to troll and play the victim. Much like the trolls on the Root and G/O Media sites at large, as long as they can keep getting attention, they will keep on trolling and then, should they ever have

Just remember: A Jury of white women set his ass free. The 53% the gift that keeps on giving. They are the foot soldiers of the white patriarchy. Oh anyone that puts two in chest, head and groin, I will start the Go Fund Me Campaign for your fees

I agree. Him and his attorney. 

I salt meat quite liberally!

You certainly could, but I haven’t had any issue not skimming. Sometimes I get a very rich sauce but I’m okay with that.

This is a great technique to have

I save all my IP liquids - use them to make soups, rice, gravies

If you do have the patience to reduce, I have found the cast iron pan best.
But Claire is dead right on the saltiness - if you’ve been liberal with das Salz, it will all show up in your reduction