butter-wrapped suede

That’s the thing—depending upon your teen’s personality they may always say “Ewwwww”. I say this because I’ve had friends who have been baffled by the numerous conversations I have had with my daughter, and how she conducts herself—but it required me to persist in the face of “Ewwwww.” The response has almost always

Mom of a daughter who was allowed to have sex in our home (I have a longer post about the years leading up to this, the many conversations we had, etc.).

I appreciate that you are articulating your values and I know you mean well and care deeply about your kids or future kids—you do realize that the statistics on abstinence only sex education skew towards increased risk for teen pregnancy?

I ran into parents who espoused a mind set like this. I ended up taking their girls to get Plan B. Do you really want your kid to be put into that position, asking a stranger for that kind of help. Or worse yet, not asking?

Respectfully, this is a great recipe for teen pregnancy and passing of STIs. My hope is that you are kidding though.

It’s never too late to start. And you can freely own how you don’t have a road map, you realize it might be late, and you’re trying to make up that time now. It’s ok for teens to know we are learning as we go.

By the time they are old enough to have sex, they should already feel comfortable talking about it with you. They should already be aware of what it is and how it works. And they should be aware of the the risks and benefits. They should also feel like their room is a safe space (never barge in without knocking,

I’m a parent who has focused on making sure my teen has had access to fact-based reproductive health and sex ed information—and as a teen she was allowed to have sex in our house.

Some nights when I’m watching TV, if my Twitter feed is full of MAGAs, I like to click through and see what their commentary looks like and report as needed. I’m Mexican American and god knows there is a ton of material to work with—and with Twitter’s new reporting system, it’s gotten easier to report those engaging

I live in Oregon and elsewhere have mentioned the escalating activities of white supremacists and neo-Nazis in the shadow of 45, in what seems like a blue state, but is really only a blue state by mere inches.

It’s not a better stat because there are far more CIS members of the military, including CIS men using all that viagra. There are far fewer trans service members, even if individual expenses for a trans service member may be higher than for the average viagra-chugging CIS man. It’s not as if there are even numbers

“I saw all of the black and brown faces on the plaza of Lincoln Center,” she told the paper. “In my lifetime, I haven’t seen that happen ever again. I thought, we have to revitalize this competition, but it has to be more than just a competition.”

Respectfully, since this is cross posted to Jez: Shouldn’t we be counting wide ons as well as boners?

Did not know that, thank you for correcting me. <3

Google Warren Jeffs. They don’t all look like dudes from Duck Dynasty.

I don’t know much about this, but was thinking part of what makes this different than the Warren Jeffs Mormon sect cases is that they were transporting the girls across state lines and in some cases to Canada. Not sure if it’s child trafficking but sure as hell sounds like enslavement.

I have some thoughts on this—I live in Oregon, and used to work as a direct care provider for developmentally disabled adults, but in a city much larger than Redmond. I also have a number of friends who work in children protective services as well providing legal representation trying to prevent their parental rights

I am sometimes baffled by those who think that anyone not currently involved in religion has no concept of what’s in the Bible or Christian principles.

No caffeine for pregnant women. No shellfish or alcohol past a certain month. And while we won’t give you family leave or guarantee your job, you won’t be allowed to work past a certain month.

So basically, the ATM is open for all the cops and prosecutors, who are now incentivized (at least in 37 states)