butter-wrapped suede

I’m fat, tall (for a woman) and for work I’m required to fly coach (and I don’t make enough to afford upgrades, nor do I fly often enough to be eligible for upgrades). I try to always purchase the aisle seat so I can somewhat “lean” into the aisle to buy my row mates extra space.

The problem isn’t HAES. I think the problem is that HAES suggests if you are unhealthy you have to take action as part of a practice of taking care of your body. That includes full panel blood testing.

I think a number of these folks are genuinely surprised that they have thrown bi and multiracial people and relationships under the bus. The issues or racism and colorism are more nuanced than how it’s being expressed here—and this ended up being my copy/paste response (which I didn’t want to adapt as a reply here

Respectfully, I’d like you to add all the white men and women who insisted on voting for Jill Stein or writing in Bernie which helped 45 get elected as operating from racism as well.

So sorry, and how embarrasing!

I am Mexican-American biracial, my father is white. Respectfully, when we begin to quantify racial purity and annihilation, as the reasoning for parts of this discussion, it starts to play right into the hands of white supremacists. As a biracial person I have serious issues with how this has been getting

Thanks, I’m biracial Mexican American—white father. You have managed to articulate the nuance without shitting all over biracial and multiracial people and relationships in the process, and it means a lot to me.

That’s not a phrase specific to African Americans, and this topic also isn’t specific to African Americans. It comes up for folks of other backgrounds. (Want to make sure this isn’t being laid at the feet of any one race since it’s more pervasive than that.)

Thank you, biracial, my mother is Mexican American. I’m pretty disappointed to see a similar reaction here, with things like “Shut up mutts”. You can imagine if I posted a reply with similarly dismissive language it would be flagged and I would be perma-greyed for life.

I would like to suggest it might be useful to allow a group the right to self-identify, especially with a history thousands of years old.

My drug addict friends in recovery tell me it’s not just alcohol withdrawals that can kill...

Recovered alcoholic—I think sometimes we forget that alcoholism still kills people.

Thanks! Yes, it was over 20 years ago that I lived there! :)

Yup, I get it. <3

The movie is about his real life marriage and the lead up to it.

Thank you for this, I’m nearly 50 and biracial Mexican American and Anglo. Many years ago lived in Hawaii and it was one of the few places in the US where I felt like I looked “normal”, at a time when multiracial and biracial people were not as common within the US at large.

My parents married right around the time Loving became law of the land—some of his white family members effectively wouldn’t interact with our side of the family, which wasn’t as big of a loss as you might imagine since they happened to be the trashiest of the white family members.

Respectfully, you know that thing where POC endure repeat racist comments, profiling, violence, general treatment, fracking atmosphere & history and white people try to say, “Oh that’s not racism” or “That doesn’t mean what you think it means” or “You’re so angry” or “That’s your issue”?

It’s possible I’ve lost track of replies/comments threading—I don’t think I stated that I view interracial relationships as consisting of MOC and WW. If you can help me find where I did that I’ll cheerfully review what the frack I was thinking and correct it—my dad is white, mom is Mexican American. I know that