butter-wrapped suede

Biracial Mexican American (my father is white)—I know you aren’t asking me, but this is what I want to see: more multiracial, biracial, and yes nonwhite characters everywhere. I want love stories between 2 characters (of any gender) where the characters share the exact same background, or they don’t, where they are

Thank you. I’m nearly 50 and biracial Mexican American / anglo. I cried the first time I saw intentionally cast multiracial families in a commercial. I believe that was 2013, the Cheerios commercial.

I’m biracial and have noticed that a large number of biracial people take issue with the manner in which these issues are discussed—and we should be. That said, there are some fantastic folks in the comments who get it and have reframed the discussion in a way that isn’t so offensive AND supports the points about the

Biracial Mexican American—I believe she was doing her best to try to articulate what the real issues being discussed actually are while hopefully not offending anyone (because the original post did a horrible job with that, imo).

In a mere 5 paragraphs you’ve managed to perfectly encapsulate this discussion in a manner that is not offensive to biracial people, nor to those in interracial relationships. If you were able to do that so easily, why the hell couldn’t the author of this post?

I had a friend in college who was raised in far north Alaska, in a rural majority Y’upik village. I had another friend who was white and raised in a predominately Japanese community in Hawaii. While this type of immersion doesn’t always create an ingrained automatic attraction, sometimes it does.

Briefly—isn’t he with Claire now?

Yeah, would love to see that too—and have lead characters not cast as criminals.

I’m biracial Mexican-American and nearly 50—several years ago another biracial MA friend and I were at a lecture on the colonization of Mexico. She is darker, I am lighter. At one point the white lecturer commented that unlike other colonizing countries, the Spanish had no prohibition against “intermarrying”

I have heard from some Asian American friends traveling in Asia that they also encounter problems if they are visibly biracial. From my friends who are not biracial I’ve been told they encountered judgement because they were not fluent in the language of the country their ancestors emigrated from.

For my part as a biracial woman: the issues are real. The way they were articulated throws biracial relationships and people under the bus.

I’m sorry, you make a comment like that while insinuating they made choices to date white because of colorism? Ouch.


Respectfully, you know that thing where POC endure repeat racist comments, profiling, violence, general treatment, fracking atmosphere & history and white people try to say, “Oh that’s not racism” or “That doesn’t mean what you think it means” or “You’re so angry” or “That’s your issue”?

Thank you, this exactly!

Wow I didn’t think he could be a bigger jerk, but there it is.

Forgive my poor image resizing skills...but couldn’t help but notice this disparity.

Thank you! That is exactly how I felt reading this, biracial and pissed.

Now playing

Makes me think of this (and because Kinja hates me, music video “Mexica”)

It’s simply amazing, a whole new take on chicken soup.