butter-wrapped suede

Thank you for that tip!

I’m in Eugene; we’ve had a shocking uptick in overt racist violence in the last 6 months. Nice to hear Washington isn’t pulling from that same racist history. Makes me think this isn’t a horrible time to consider relocating farther north.

So sorry to hear this. :(

Ugh sorry to hear that. And even sorry that I need to have that sentiment!

You’re damn right it sets a scary precedent. I live in Oregon, in the blue part of the state. I’m horrified that these terrorists were acquitted. We have plenty of other folks who have become emboldened by the Drumpf candidacy to begin making racist attacks in what you would assume are Blue counties. This is only

I wish there would be some clarification about things like this—when presenting overly simplified general information, for anyone living with or loving someone who suffers from anxiety or PTSD, it can potentially create some false ideas about what is at the root of those conditions, as well as possible ways to work

I was devastated too. I was happy for both of them to finally enjoy a shred of contentment.

Ooh! That’s on Sunday nights?

48, finished watching this with my 17 yo (who I introduced to the original Rocky Horror when she was in middle school).

I’m in the Pacific Northwest, and if the Sagebrush Rebellion takeover of the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge didn’t make it clear: the primary issue with trying to divide the country is that you have largely liberal states with what could become an armed insurgency within their individual state borders. I don’t know about

Used kombu for years—finally stopped when I realized it imparted no flavor at all.

I’ll echo that—the limited viewing time I was able to put in, I definitely did not feel like there was anything specifically titilating. That was a relief, but even so, not a show I’ll be able to watch.

I think it depends upon the viewer for sure—one of the responses you’ve seen already mentions that someone finds the show hard to watch for reasons other than implied or seen violence.

Interesting discussion. While I don’t support overt discrimination of anyone, I find it interesting that when leadership positions are 80% or greater male we consider that the norm and deviation from that is considered abnormal.

Nope, it’s only done in irony now.

I think this is a great natural selection strategy! By all means, test out the theory that weather alerts are a liberal plot!

I couldn’t cartwheels or jump rope either. Turns out I was great at swimming and skiing, and had a knack for keeping house plants alive. Now as an adult, I also bake some awesome dinner rolls, and I have the flexibility to enjoy rap with my teen so we don’t have to fight her music. I bet you are a rock star,

Thank you for this!

I didn’t know that Cinemax did those kinds of tags! Totally going to check out their movie listings more frequently. I tend to pre-read about movies before watching to make sure I’m not going to be tripping over content that is more than I want to endure.