butter-wrapped suede

I detest all entertainment Kardashian, and even I felt horrible that this happened to her. I’m unclear why others are making awful comments on social media or other strange accusations. The whole things sounds like a nightmare and I hope she and her family can recover a semblance of feeling safe very soon.

I found myself wondering this as well.

Glad to see a discussion here at Jez on this. I won’t be watching the show for personal reasons. In order for me to watch shows with violence I need a certain lack of reality to potentially make it possible for me to get caught up in the story. As someone who has survived physical and sexual abuse, I find that

Did it on the cheap

You are my heroine today. Thank you!

Single working mom, also in school: money can literally buy you time. Money can allow you to hire an au paire, a cook, a maid, a driver, as well as a fitness trainer. Money can buy you a space large enough where you could potentially work out at home without needing to leave to go someplace else. Money can buy you

Thanks this is helpful to hear about--and I really like the description of your professional progression as well.

I talk to professors (tenured and adjunct) every day--I have worked in higher ed for the last 12 years. :) While there are some industries offering fairly complex perks (such as the pharmaceutical industry--I’ve gone to events hosted by pharma reps with friends who are doctors, they definitely get the perks), most

Do you have more information about this? I actually think if you pay instructors better, they will teach fewer classes and have more time to thoughtfully choose materials, develop curriculum, etc. But I’ve never heard of publishers giving students a cut of the digital access fees.

Correct. ‘Merica, right? :(

Please post this to something public like Twitter so that we can reshare and memorialize your genius!

Thank you for this. I have high blood sugar, and have a family history of Type II diabetes. I have been working with a doctor on my blood sugar issues, and have a separate doctor I go to for straight up things like flu shots, etc.

I worked with a man who was a widower--he never spoke ill of his first wife, but he talked about the second wife and mentioned that he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that she really loved him, something that he had never felt with is first wife.

Yes, this a thousand times.

One thought I have: in some cases, some of the character traits you outlined (communication style, attachment style, etc.) is more easily solved by making sure during dating that both communication and attachment styles are a relative fit that works. People are as is, and the pace of human change is so slow that

Scripted or not, those questions need to be asked in public and she absolutely deserves to have nationally televised space to point it out.


Yeah this is fabulous sexism. Trump cancelled a string of events in August. Clinton shows up to an event with pneumonia and because of sexist badgering from GOP, she can’t even leave an event early due to illness, and seek appropriate medical treatment without it becoming a shit show of criticism.

I don’t begrudge young people, who often have more free time available, spending their time how they see fit. And if I had a shred of spare income (which I don’t) I would hire an army of young people, since the generation just older than I am tanked their future.

Working single mom, also in school. This is one of those “lifehacks” for those who are single, no kids, few responsibilities, and perhaps a spouse who does “everything else” while they color their journal or enough disposable income to hire people go grocery shop, clean and cook for them. If you have enough time to