butter-wrapped suede

Thank you, another thing I find baffling.

Thank you, I’m with you on this. It’s sort of like excuses that when drones mistakenly bomb hospitals, wedding parties or schools that it was an “accident”.

My apologies, my reply should have been a reply to paperduckie!

I sometimes wonder if perhaps it has to do with data gathering for future development? I would have loved to have seen the stats on preferences based upon age demographics or efficacy based upon size of city one is driving in.

WTF who else but a sociopath insists on forcing someone to work with them who is clearly unhappy?

This always brings me back to Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. In other posts in the past I have brought up that part of why Margaret Atwood set the novel in the US is because she could see Gilead unfolding here. I’ve finally found one of the original reviews I read back in the day that touches upon this and

Thanks, yes was coming to suggest the same thing. PS mechanics are incredibly sexy.

<sigh> Guilty as charged. It’s not that I’ve been tweeting or that I’m even diagnosing Kanye, I’m just worried about him.

I’m not great with a full understanding of everything Sony touches, but for those considering boycott beyond PlayStation, here are shows, movies, artists under the Sony brand umbrella:

You had to mention Fifty Shades. The movie is now out on cable, and one night while channel surfing I stumbled into a portion of the movie—I thought I would have a good laugh by watching ironically.

Condolences to you, and after having to put down more than one animal, I can tell you that euthanizing is actually very calm and humane. My ex-husband once abandoned his cat with me because he knew the cat needed to be euthanized and couldn’t bring himself to do it. This cat certainly didn’t like me, and even that

Sadly, I think that this is largely up to the training and mindset of the doctor. :( We live in a very liberal community in Oregon and there are a number of places teens can go to have an IUD inserted, much less adult women.

Thank you for this. As mother of a teen daughter, I’ve made sure that I provided fact-based information about sexuality, birth control, safe sex, etc. When it came time, I selected a respectful doctor so that Butter Jr. could get on the pill—and then a year later, Butter Jr. came back to me with research and informed

I don’t understand why your comment does not have more stars.

Yeah the more I’ve read and heard, I can’t help but wonder if perhaps he is having mental health issues. No shame in it, happens to lots of people. But if that is the case, I sure hope he has caring people around him who will be honest with him and help him get the professional assistance he needs. :(

I read this article with a certain amount of musing about how absolutely different the time periods are—and that feminism has done a great job in shifting how we think about teen girls.

I’m also expecting he will receive a bill for said US Marshall theater and court costs...exacerbating his debt. :(

Yeah pretty sure it cost far more than $1500 to stage this US Marshall theater. If you don’t #FeelTheBern perhaps you should...

What I most appreciate about the thread you have started as the commentary is telling. Those who are younger find the new OJ show fascinating. Those who are older and remember the OJ trial as the backdrop of their everyday lives have no desire to relive it.