I was thinking it was cool she was standing in solidarity. :)
I was thinking it was cool she was standing in solidarity. :)
Um...lighter colored Mexican American, firmly anti-Republican.
LOL I don’t necessarily recommend that. :) Willowy, svelte, lithe, those all typically work—but aerodynamic, not so much.
I am biracial Mexican-American, and years ago lived in Brazil. At the time large boobs were a “thing” here in the US, and I was incredibly aerodynamic in that department. This proved challenging within the circles I traveled for dating, except with men of similar mixed-race ancestry or Latin American men.
This kind of behavior commonly exists in schools where hazing occurs unchallenged. In the ‘80s I attended a rural high school with a long standing tradition of hazing. There were a variety of things done to freshmen boys and girls, but most notably, it was not uncommon for boys involved in sports to be held down by…
Also not a weed head and I would totally watch the hell out of this.
Reviews on the Cookware linked suggest that the copper flakes off? It’s simply an applied paint and is not reported to have any real benefit to the cooking. (This is based on reading the Amazon reviews and looking at the pics.) I’m curious if you have any personal experience to share that would offset the negative…
Reviews on the Cookware linked suggest that the copper flakes off? It’s simply an applied paint and is not reported…
Thanks for this—I didn’t know that was what it could do!
Older 40’s mom of a teen daughter, with a special message to parents of teen sons: get your boys vaccinated and get them up to speed on fact based sexual education, including contraception and safe sex practices. While I’m just a one woman survey, my observation living in a liberal community in a liberal Western state…
This deserves a showdown vote where we choose the One Phrase/Word to Describe Donald Trump to Rule Them All.
No. The one time I tried to bring up the question, I received, “Oh don’t play the race card,” as a reply. The Fox news talking points appear to be working.
Unfortunately, I think some of the less intelligent members of my extended family comprise all of Donald Trump’s Mexican-American support. :(
Pacific NW here to say that socks with sandals never dies, especially if the sandals are birkenstocks.
Recovered addict/alcoholic with 18 years clean/sober. Deaths of public figures due to alcoholism and drug addiction always hit home in a personal way. I’m profoundly grateful and humbled that Mary Forsberg Weiland issued a public statement describing the chaos and pain of their lives as a direct result of Weiland’s…
Bingo, methodology is critical. Exercise alone has been shown to impact cognitive function. So is it the lack or addition of exercise that results in increased or decreased cognitive functions?
Oh snap!
Love these!
Is this it? Found here.
I have a similar issue, stalker ex-coworker. I was one of the early users, and one of the precious few women in the very early days! I was not the only woman who expressed concerns about using my real name, and I and others were told we “didn’t understand” how to use circles appropriately. Nope, I get it. The issue is…