butter-wrapped suede

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. At some point we have to give up the notion that there is a profound all or nothing to our various theories and look at the flexibility of people. Everyone should have basic rights, everyone should have safety (provided they aren’t hurting anyone else). For some of this we will

Thanks for posting this.

Oh man, I am all over this, so happy to see a ficus of activism!

I’m so sorry—I wish and pray for the safety and well being of all in Beirut, Paris, and Garissa University in Kenya.

There are no words to express how sorry I am for you, your friends, family, and the people of your country.

Glad to know it’s not as bad as it could be. Drive safe!

Very interesting—makes me think of historical building interiors here in the US, where the solution is simply to rope off specific sections of rooms so that it is clear people are not able to freely wander about. I wonder why that tactic is not being tried? Or does it require too much staffing?

Sad but true, outside most of the city centers in Oregon, it’s serious TeaBagger-palooza.

I think I must be way behind the curve on understanding how people are doing these things—so with that in mind—I’m going to assume that in order to do this you need to start with an unlocked phone? I’m going to imagine you are not running multiple different accounts for different devices...

My dad died in his mid-50’s of metastasized colon cancer that attacked the liver—and at the time it was a death sentence. Today that is not necessarily the case. So if your family member participated in experimental chemo testing prior to death, like my father did, they are responsible for improved outcomes of those

Bump bump bump bump

Kinja hates me—this is me hugging past you. Or you hugging past me for trying to make bread from scratch using a deeply flawed recipe someone recommended and swore was awesome (but was missing ingredients).

Oh man, don’t even get me started with that. I can remember breaking out in tears on several occasions where a recipe went bad. :( When there is no wiggle room even for waste, having a recipe go disastrously bad is an absolute nightmare.

Former poor person—used to be reliant upon food boxes and lived in public housing while living without health insurance (had an infant covered by low income health insurance, but my then husband and I were not). You are profoundly misinformed. Ramen and Kool Aid are indeed cheaper than rice and orange juice or milk.

In my community we have a long-running shelter that restaurants can call directly to come and pick up extra food so that it doesn’t go to waste.

Would we roll with Rick’s plan?

Gen X reporting in, grew up with Bette Midler’s “The Rose”. Super upset that people did not have real lighters with them. Stupid smart phones and vapes! ;)

No words can describe my glee. Thank you.

Oh my word, thank you.