This cartridge certainly won’t fit into a Game Boy. But it looks really awesome!
This cartridge certainly won’t fit into a Game Boy. But it looks really awesome!
Diablo III’s long awaited patch 2.4 is now live both in the US and in the EU. It’s quite a big update with new…
XCOM 2 isn’t out yet, but the game’s hardcover art book is, and the publishers were kind enough to pass some images…
Yep I’m aware. All of my friends are on Xbox One. When my wife and I played on PC, we still had fun with a guild, but literally none of our IRL friends played. Now our Destiny group will have something to do between content drops! :D
Played the crap out of this game on PC while using an Xbox controller. I wonder why it’s taken so damn long to come to consoles? I am very interested in the Xbox One version...
Come on Microsoft you need to get on the cross play train.
Released five years ago today on the PC and PlayStation 3, DC Universe Online is gearing up to invite Xbox One…
That’s impressive as hell, what a killer body and badass cosplay, good for him.
Removing snow from your driveway and footpaths can be a major hassle in the winter. With the right approach,…
In a home filled with technological marvels of all shapes and sizes, one piece of oft-derided hardware gets more…
While messing around with a save game trying to take some nice screenshots, yttriumtyclief stumbled upon a…