"Bannon, meanwhile, appears to be as energized as ever"
Or at least as energised as the crypt keeper ever looked.
"Bannon, meanwhile, appears to be as energized as ever"
Or at least as energised as the crypt keeper ever looked.
How crazy good is that Brand New record though?
Honestly can't decide which line's more savage today:
"It’s like they’ve all been grown from the same frothy mixture of Adult Swim anti-comedy, vintage lens fetishism, and male pattern baldness"
"“What kind of music is that?” Patti asks him after a gig, to which he could have responded, “Whatever Death Grips play.”"
"All the bitches come round for/Noob Noob
His dick gets more business than/Youtube"
Why the mood lighting?
Am I gonna have to turn this comment section into lewd slashfic?
"Some of my men are calling you Solenya. The Pickle Man. An old-wives tale. He crawls from bowls of cold soup to steal the dreams of wasteful children."
"That'd be a lucky break for you…because this pickle doesn't care about your children. And I'm not going to take their dreams, I'm going to take their parents."
I'm extremely gonna be ~that~ guy, but I'm a third of the way through reading the Food Lab (trying to implement this in a Chemistry unit of teaching) and there's truly nothing like it. It's like a textbook you can read as a collection of short stories and it's amazing.
Sooooooo, lots of hookers outside, huh?
Is that what they are?
Honestly a lil more terrifying than It Follows if you can get sniped from 1km down the road
Zack Sekoff's work on this record is just as good as Clams but gives it a definitely different vibe that Vince was looking for.
Probably Not.
I think this episode's climax absolutely underlines how incredibly good Extremis was despite it's "It was all a simultation" ending.
TJ, is your career running? Well you better go catch it
Scrolled down to say the model on Grenades looks like Jared Padalecki and Steve Irwin had a kid and he grew up to be so broke he needed to do headshots for mints. Gonna go finish the article now.
"the best movie adaptation of a video game"
I didn't really like this one when watching it originally, but I guess that's the inherent thing about a bottle episode, when couped up in a room with a bunch of people, it's not always gonna be fantastic.
I'm sure there'll be a big reboot where literally nobody except Bill and the Doctor remember anything that happened in the finale, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Not a Moffat episode.