
this game is so beautiful!

This boy will be the chosen one!

The replacing of letters with numbers kind of makes me hate whoever made the decision to do it.

I will buy the shit out of this game.

I feel they should have gone the full way out and named it 5734132

I hope they do. It would be awesome to fight Link, Samus, or any Fire Emblem character.

Okay, Snake as the conspiracy nut on Facebook is just about perfect.

Dried blood, anywhere really

1990's lipstick.


There's a difference between capitalism and greed, capitalism and the kind of structure that requires Max Win Alla the Time.

I'm a landlord. You don't get more oldfashioned-capitalist than that. The Game requires that I screw tenants to the wall, maximize profit, and use profit to buy more rental units and screw more

I was thinking that too. I don't usually (ever) listen to his show, but that was a very strong interview.

For anyone who criticizes women for not reporting rape, or for taking a long time to come forward (I'm talking about those people who refuse to believe the allegations against Bill Cosby), you can see in this interview how hard it is for any woman to talk about it or admit that it happened to them. Even years later,

Howard Stern has evolved into quite the interviewer. He's able to elicit a lot of really personal stuff in a fairly non-invasive manner. Quite the change over the last 30 years.

Aaaaaand the Hipster Award of the day goes tooooooooo...

for the majority of gamers, what you just said still means this came out of nowhere.