Nerds are also better at sexual assault apparently, if we learned anything from that movie.
Nerds are also better at sexual assault apparently, if we learned anything from that movie.
Wow, it’s not like anyone has ever been assigned a gender at their creation which they aren’t comfortable with, haha. I love this! Simply by making a character you are already developing the potential for a story with struggles and understanding and growth.
I hope that people realize they have the ability define their…
This is about a 3rd of the way to a holodeck!
Personally I’m hyped for this because as someone who plays for the characters and their stories and designs, I want to show, basically, my fandom of the ones I love! So this gives me a great opportunity to have fun showing my appreciation for my faves and feel like I am reinforcing my dedication to them.
That is genius.
Thank you.
Amen to that.
Fuck them. Good for you.
Thank you, Antigone.
They rejected and destroyed their daughter. They had no love for the person she really was. What they loved was the image of her they had created inside their own heads.
When someone decides you are one thing before you are even born, and treats you as such when you are another thing entirely, that is not love but…
I have zero pity for them.
Welp, there goes any interest in doing multiplayer battles in ORAS
Exactly what I was thinking hahaha.
Looks like Vindictus with a shiny new paintjob.
Wow, this is horrible. I scroll through pages and pages of extremely amateur, extremely low quality, extremely unoriginal games put up by people who I can only assume are very egotistical as well as naive to have paid 100 dollars to get their games on Greenlight... before I find anything remotely worth upvoting on…
It's called "Shadow Star Narutaru" and it's a manga, look it up. :P
I'm confused why Kirby is a girl in this XD