Yeah, I'm slightly annoyed by how it's never a clear Failure, Fiasco or Secret Success anymore. It's like Siskel and Ebert giving a movie one thumb sideways and one thumb slightly northwest.
Yeah, I'm slightly annoyed by how it's never a clear Failure, Fiasco or Secret Success anymore. It's like Siskel and Ebert giving a movie one thumb sideways and one thumb slightly northwest.
Yeah, I'm slightly annoyed by how it's never a clear Failure, Fiasco or Secret Success anymore. It's like Siskel and Ebert giving a movie one thumb sideways and one thumb slightly northwest.
He did it so that Sandler will finance future projects. One is already in the works.
He did it so that Sandler will finance future projects. One is already in the works.
Colonel Angus has a virus named after him?
Colonel Angus has a virus named after him?
I don't understand any of these references!
I don't understand any of these references!
Sure, play it cool, hipsters, but if you didn't think that was awesome then you have no awesome bone.
Sure, play it cool, hipsters, but if you didn't think that was awesome then you have no awesome bone.
doobie doo
doobie doo
He wasn't shooting the hat— he was shooting the air just above the hat. The whipping of the air combined with (what we'll have to assume is a) light material is what caused it to fly up.
Stiller's not bad, he's just better when he's playing the straight man. "Goofy" stiller is just cringeworthy. His funniest performance for me is in Zero Effect, and it's probably no coincidence that it's the straightest of his straight man roles.
Stiller's not bad, he's just better when he's playing the straight man. "Goofy" stiller is just cringeworthy. His funniest performance for me is in Zero Effect, and it's probably no coincidence that it's the straightest of his straight man roles.
A good rule of thumb is: how many people alive today were affected by the tragedy? It was only 1986, so, a lot. Same for 9/11, or even Hiroshima (plenty of people today are still living with the fallout of the radiation exposure).
A good rule of thumb is: how many people alive today were affected by the tragedy? It was only 1986, so, a lot. Same for 9/11, or even Hiroshima (plenty of people today are still living with the fallout of the radiation exposure).