Megan Fox is 100 times more famous and she was dropped in an instant for insulting her boss publicly.
Megan Fox is 100 times more famous and she was dropped in an instant for insulting her boss publicly.
The ratings system has got to go. I haven't watched a show on live television in at least 6 years. I'm so used to streaming that if I can't pause it whenever I want, I nerdrage.
The ratings system has got to go. I haven't watched a show on live television in at least 6 years. I'm so used to streaming that if I can't pause it whenever I want, I nerdrage.
I had to rewind and watch that again when I saw it. When he gets to the back and turns around, he starts taking deep breaths over and over. I'm pretty sure he was trying not to choke up.
I had to rewind and watch that again when I saw it. When he gets to the back and turns around, he starts taking deep breaths over and over. I'm pretty sure he was trying not to choke up.
Skeptical? Let me introduce you to BILL FUCKING MURRAY.
Skeptical? Let me introduce you to BILL FUCKING MURRAY.
Obligatory Marti Noxon flame.
Obligatory Marti Noxon flame.
I blame ocean puns.
I blame ocean puns.
Hey Jude, don't make it. It'll be bad.
"I am going to fuck you until your eyeballs implode"
Eric Bana's best performance in anything, and he was unrecognizable.
"here is yet another report of the project choking on its own vomit"
Actually I was thinking they need an intervention to wean them of their Burton addiction.
Why do they ever allow athletes to host the show? I'm sure he's a good goalie or whatever, but you wouldn't bring in Kristen Wiig to do your pitching because she'd have no hope of doing it well because that's not what she does.
The reboot of this will be out in 2014, when they finally learn to not have a blonde play a redhead and a redhead play a blonde.