

I assumed the chains on the shelves were the Citadel's sorting system. Each mastery's chain is represented by a different metal so I thought each section might have a chain representative of the information contained in that section's books..
As far as Jorah, as noted by a youtube review, one of the books Sam was

That episode is the origin of the term "jump the shark".

I have a question. Does a guard have the legal right to add time onto a prisoner's sentence? I would think that he can provide a recommendation but legally it seems a judge or parole board would have to make that decision.

I think HW will come back with Nick as the new leader.

It is an option for Noble people. Tywin gets to pick his best fighter and Tyrion can either fight for himself or get a champion to fight on his behalf. if Tyrion's champion wins, he is free to go. It's like an automatic not guilty verdict.

This! She has a major case of side chick syndrome. She knew what this was from day one. She had to know that the whore doesn't get to marry the nobleman no matter how much he does or doesn't love her.

Agreed. I think having them together is a bad idea. There is zero chemistry between them and it just feels creepy.
