Also, The Antlers' "Kettering".
Also, The Antlers' "Kettering".
I love almost all of the Zelda-games to the different Nintendo consoles. I guess I'm a Nintendo-fanatic. I've had all of their consoles from NES (God I miss it) to Wii, so I've been playing since I was 3 years old. Anyway, comparing the different Zelda-games is a bit unfair. They all have their charm and emotional…
It was when I started to read AVC's comments I discoverd the phrase "Drinking the Kool Aid". I honestly don't know what that means, but I take your words for it that it is childish or something like that. So, this makes me one of the cool kids, right?
I for one believe that after AVC killed Sean O'Neal by putting him on fire, he then raised from the ashes like Phoenix and was reborn. So basically - it's impossible to kill him. Sean is forever, Sean lives on for eternity.
You do realise that you just started a thread where there'll be full of sentimental posts? Or maybe not; you just had to ruin that, The Thin White Duke Ellington, didn't you?
Admit that you included My Little Pony just to make Fluttershy happy! So lovely! Aww, just so lovely!
I repeat once again what you Rex said, "this sucks". And, Big Knife, I doubt very much that they cancelled it because of moi; I couldn't have helped the ratings 'cause I live in a different country. If it was by some miracle possible for me and my fellow countrymen to watch when they broadcast it in America it would…
And with all the other Skarsgård brothers that are in the acting business: Gustav, Bill and I might have missed to mention one or two. It's a confusing mess. Stellan sure likes to have intercourse without any kind of contraceptive. He got like 7-8 kids.
That it does. I discovered Bored to Death a couple of months ago. Well, at least I have some episodes left to watch until the bitter end shows it ugly face, all thanks to HBO. I haven't seen the other two shows. I just gotta ask; does Hung end with the main character pulling out his giant penis giving it a pep talk?…
Huh? You need to take some more lessons in Swedish, haha! But I think what you're trying to say with your Swe-English is "Don't hate the player, hate the game". Though, I gotta say that I like your use of the letter ä; it's quite inventive in a charming way.
Just to mention; the title of the first book and Swedish film is Män som hatar kvinnor. In English translation: "Men who hate women".
Oh fuck, I think I just managed to write a longer post than Tarkovskys. My apologies.
There's strangily enough no reply-button to many of the posts including your reply to me, Tarkovskys. Only the like-button is available which I would like to add that I never click no matter how clever, funny, insightfull they happen to be just out of principle. Yes, I do have some principles - believe it or not -…
I would like to think that he/she/it - Tarkovskys_former_AD - writes the posts by putting together pieces of refrigerator poetry.
I have an excellent band name: Happily Depressed and the Boogie Wookie Band.
I agree, but I for one don't have any plans of growing up any time soon.
And I see that you are into hardcore punk; then I would recommend the band Raised Fist.
I own that album. As a 14-year old I thought they were so cool. Today I have a hate/love relationship to them. Their catchy melodies makes me wanna dance (and I never dance if I'm not drunk) or at least makes me wanna stomp my feet to the beat. Their lyrics are just stupid, but I guess that's part of the hate.
Thank you. Sorry about the misspelling; it's fixed now. I even looked up the word "malious" in my English dictionary with the suspicion that it could mean something dirty.
Is the sole purpose of deus ex machina in the end that Dawes will be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?