This could not be more wrong. There are multiple examples of them providing discussions of the results of other marathons. Dumb fuck
This could not be more wrong. There are multiple examples of them providing discussions of the results of other marathons. Dumb fuck
That's a lot of cat food
I guarantee Nick Foles can't tell Peters and Acho, Allen, Boykin, Burton, Carroll, Cole, Cox, Curry, Fletcher, Graham, Huff, Jenkins, Kendricks, Logan, Maclin, Matthews, McCoy, Polk, Ryans, Smith, Smith, Sproles, Thornton, Watkins, Williams, and Wolff apart
Uh, it's three, and not sure why you just randomly chose Wednesday as the cut off for coverage. Deadspin didn't even cover entire games of the World Series. Yeah, yeah I know baseball ratings are down vs. history but the attention they give to fucking marathoners vs. others sports is completely out of wack vs. any…
I haven't seen a script that good since a black woman named Jemima almost won the marathon this morning
So, just so I'm clear, Fittish bombards Deadspin with coverage of long distance runners that no one gives a fuck about competing in the NYC Marathon leading up to the event but does not post anything about the results of the marathon except this guy's nipples? But Gawker DOES cover it? Really strong work.
Similar odds to your cunt of a mother dying I hope
Maybe don't use headlines like "Jones decapitates defender" to describe a sport where things like this actually happen, I'm sure anyone emotionally invested in this man's young life won't appreciate the juxtaposition
He was 4/6 for a 145 passer rating in the Redskins game. They're playing against one of the worst passing defenses in the league this week. And it's a game that's a toss-up who is expected to win even if a health Romo does start. Romo should absolutely not play. Go fuck yourself.
Cowboys fans who dread the prospect of watching a perfectly capable Weeden play more than dread the prospect of watching Romo potentially become paralyzed on national television can go fuck themselves
Probably because one of his good friends just died at the age of 22 and he realizes what actually matters
That audio feed was creeping more than Lebron's hairline
I hope he dies.
The only angle left for Deadspin to cover is what if Bumgarner had gotten ebola
Who's this Madison Bumgarner I've been hearing about?
People keep saying this kind of thing is the perfect reason to send Gordon. In the split second he had to make the call do your really think the third base coach (who is a third base coach and not a manager for a reason) could process all such permutations that quickly? Given how well Bum was pitching do we even…
They don't give away rings to people that create great moments but lose. When many comments discuss Bumgarner as being "unhittable" it's hyperbole. While he pitched amazingly in his starts it's not like he literally gave up zero hits and by the time Perez steps to the plate he's like 70 pitches deep and almost 300…
They're busy being excited by the Lakers' prospects
M as in "Mancy" I as in "ISIS"
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