Q: No means?
This article about how someone had something for sale and someone else was looking to buy that same thing and so the first person sold it to the second person was definitely REALLY interesting. Definitely give us more of this. Definitely don't cover last night's world series game please. Could you post an invoice…
Current Deadspin is a disgrace to Deadspin. Still no article about the Royals win last night but we've moved on to the daily coverage of food and drink. Great.
We'll see about as much of him as we see sports coverage out of Deadspin these days. Hey guys got any articles about what food we should cook or music we should listen to mixed into 18 articles about one Lakers game and 25 articles about Bumgarner without a single article about either of the last two games the Royals…
You forgot to include the message from his father urging us all to wear our seat belts. Please do.
Ugh. You disgust me. You listen to the radio?
Well, they have a degree program in Criminal Justice and Security
I live in New York City. No one cares about the race. They care about having an excuse to host a party or say that they care. Seinfeld mocked this very concept 20 years ago. Thanks for the hearty laugh this morning. HA, New Yorkers care about the marathon.
You could actually see the look of distress on Romo's face during the last drive. It wasn't even a look of pain (I'm sure he was in none because of the drugs) it was a look of "oh my God I could die or become paralyzed at any moment please help me"
She could win the next 10 New York City marathons and no one would care so for sure no one cares before she runs it.
Guy here. Hate to ruin your days ladies but hopefully this might make life easier. If you ever go to the bathroom at all with us we're going to assume you pooped so you might as well. On the spectrum of how well informed a guy might be about the world of women I'd consider myself fairly well informed but I still…
I've just been letting the hate roll in waiting for the right comment to respond to and yours has the right sense of awe and lack of any sense of reality. I'm neither a Dodgers fan nor a Royals fan nor young. Maybe you didn't watch last night's broadcast to hear the superlatives but my comment was a direct response…
Announcers talking about Bumgarner like he's historically great. He's been great, granted. But he's not a god. These very Giants had another pitcher that looks 90% like Bumgarner (in terms of his face and haircut) who people thought would be a God among men and now he's a washed up guy they can't trust and everyone…
Wait......there's professional football now?
Ole Miss' kicker should be allowed to kick Hugh Freeze in the nuts. I know it's college and kickers aren't trustworthy but I'm sure he's some kid that works his ass off day in and day out to just be given the chance to kick that field goal in that spot. Instead, complete idiotic disaster. Dude should spit in the…
Because it gives one penalty too much magnitude. One mistake should not then set you up to get a safety or an easy touchdown. It amplifies the magnitude of a single mistake too significantly. I'm honestly not sure you're a football fan if you're asking this question.
What just happened at the end of this game. I am speechless.
Explain this to me. If he's going to be into kids, why little boys? Everyone focuses so much on their age and not so much on the fact he went for dudes too. Is everyone at Penn State gay?
Now show their 12 yard punt from the 1st half