In fairness to him, he stands when the other fans stand, etc. It's not like he sits there yelling things or not standing when other fans want to to cheer, he's quiet and observant of the home fans wishes
In fairness to him, he stands when the other fans stand, etc. It's not like he sits there yelling things or not standing when other fans want to to cheer, he's quiet and observant of the home fans wishes
Shouldn't there be two posts here about Chrissy Teigen, one where you note that Fox News and terrible internet people are treating her awfully, and a second where you note that she sent a terrible tweet? I'm not sure that dumb fuck internet trolls doing what they do lets her off the hook from seeing an act of…
Only white guy on the team and he's carrying his own bags? What has the world come to....
Now do the reverse and have people from Ohio try West Coaster's favorite thing to choke down: maintaining a constant sense of self-importance every day while knowing that it might be the last day with running water
Is this more or less funny than the fact that Braxton Miller has a two-year old kid?
Any Ohio State fan will tell you it's much, much worse that Michigan is having a rough football season than that their band director had semi-nude photos of students in his office
Best damned band in the land
No one can understand Salvador Perez. Including people that speak Spanish.
It's not like the Nationals or Orioles are playing
Recalls the playing of the U.S. anthem at Buckingham Palace after 9/11, which remains, to me, one of the most emotional scenes of all time
Nothing says "normal" like getting an actress from South African named Charlbi Dean Kriek to dance around a driving range. That's definitely a very common day in the life of most Americans
Has nothing to do with my comment. I'm a hardcore sports fan. And when my favorite teams that I've followed every day since I was kid lose big games it hurts, I cry, etc. Billy is writing about a team he has no connection to and just saying (like he always does) that the soccer fans sits around thinking PSG is…
My analysis was focused on recent happenings and in recent happenings Shields is KC's worst starter. Working backwards, Vargas went 5.1 innings allowing 2 hits and 1 run, Guthrie went 5 innings allowing 3 hits and 1 run, and Ventura sucked but not as much as Shields. There's no reason to believe Shields isn't the…
I love soccer and I fucking hate soccer writing, especially like this. It's a sport. Let's substitute PSG for....the New York Jets and see how stupid this sounds. "We can't keep letting the New York Jets do this" Do what? Field the best team they can and try their hardest and end up losing because that's just…
Oh. Yeah. She took on such an incredibly difficult schedule. She was working in a mine digging coal 18 hours a day to support her family, etc. etc. Shut the fuck up.
Don't forget that Bumgarner, widely hailed as a postseason god by everyone, gave in 3 runs in the first 4 innings in his prior start. He was able to stay in because SF wasn't on the verge of elimination or anything and obviously Shields looked like shit last night but one game is just one game. Shields was on 11…
My friend you really are misremembering though:
I know I'm sorry I interrupted the plan you've been putting together for however long to buy multiple phones and get multiple burner accounts to complain about the Beats ads. Did you get a deal to endorse Bose like the NFL?
I don't have any particular pull for either team (would love to see upshot Royals win of course) but these pro-Giants comments are a bit premature given that: