
Is the only way I can escape racist judgement through renouncing my culture and my history?

I like being a black person, I don’t want to be “raceless” I like black people and black culture and blackness. And it often feels radical to do even that in this country where these things are often hated.

And you know I’m not

Worth noting that Kanye had a solidly middle-class childhood, even accompanying his english professor mother to China and attending school there while she taught at Nanjing University. Not exactly a circumscribed, slum existence.

I don’t think Jay, Bey, Kanye, Rihanna, etc., are being whitewashed at all, actually. They are bringing their whole selves—-their wealth AND their Blackness—-to lily white spaces like couture fashion shows and Cannes and THAT’S what I find intruiging and interesting.

From where I stand, the “New Black” has been around for at least as long as Bill Cosby and Sammy Davis Jr., although not under that name. It’s simply “black people that white people don’t find threatening.” I can think of some possible determining factors — fame, affluence, even “talking white” or “acting white”.

Black woman here: please take your mess elsewhere.

I am not old (mid 20’s), I actually don’t think an engineering degree is inherently better (ever hear of tongue in cheek humor?), and I was saying that if you’re being judged on your physical attractiveness, I would have a huge issue with that.

The issue wouldn’t come up for me at all because I would completely and utterly avoid the 100% optional scenario altogether.

It’s no secret most guys like big boobs.


Anyone else find the window seam across the neck a double down on creepy?

Hey, thank you. I made my dad a facebook page when he was sick, because I was always showing him things on my facebook. He got to see what everyone was up to, and he seemed to enjoy it. Well, I forgot to delete his facebook when he died and now I can’t remember the password, so my well-meaning cousins, who BTW know he

Seriously. Amber Rose flies commercial? I mean how is that even possible with how many albums she’s sol....the gross of her last big movi...the ratings on her hit TV sh...

“Kylie has always been so insecure about her lips, since she was a little girl,”

I know Lord Disick can be (and is) a dick, but I feel like he is the only one there that calls that whole family out on their bullshit and realizes he is in on one serious media-frenzied joke. Also, I appreciate his humor sometimes. So, call me biased.

It’s just clothing, you nimrod.

Oh noes! We might offend Real, Actual Rich Bitches!!!

mocking the excesses of the rich is literally spitting in the face of 3rd world sweatshop workers.

when will this rich-shaming stop? WHEN?!?!