happa happa 2

The “leaked plans” story is a cloak-and-dagger legend... While it may have its root in truth, much of it is French posturing.

What’s the source for the “vastly superior” aerodynamics? AFAIK, Tu-144 never did things Concorde couldn’t, and if it was “less stable” at supersonic cruise and couldn’t fly at low speeds like Concorde (200 kt Vapp!?!) how and in what part of the envelope does it have superior aerodynamics?

Not arachnids. Also, fangs are too small and sucky to be able to bite humans.

Jumpers are cool. I loved watching them take down flies when I was a kid.

Hahahahaha CSB...

Yes. Riding to work (in crazy, murderous Mexico City traffic) made that lovely abode of chaos livable again, cut my commute time in half, made it possible to get to work to fix a switch on the day the west half of the city just collapsed (demonstrations, 2 accidents, construction work - I ended up going 40 miles to a

You guys do a pretty decent Stechschritt...

The fummy thing is that the Radetzkymarsch was composed and played by Prussia’s least favorite people, aka Europe’s West Virginia.

Not “questionable”... totally proven wrong. Fat pct is the way to go... so if some ass dares to moo at you in a bar, commend him on his command of English as a second language and ask him about those horns he’s wearin’ and if they hurt a lot when they came out ^_~

How can one be “five pounds overweight”? My weight varies by more than that in a day if I exercise 2 hours or haul heavy stuff on a hot summer. 5 pounds are 2.2 liters of water, which can easily be sweated off or drunk in when temps are over 30°C...

Not that they’ll listen. We’re the “spineless cowards who don’t get any because they’re dumb as a post”, remember? We have our place in the system, right down at the ass-end of the pole. You know what would help? Convince women to really bitch up and cut the assholes off a la Lysistrata... that might get the message

Moo at you in a bar? Mating rituals have gotten a little weirder these days... =D

Modern = from the start of the “consumptive look” in 19th-century Victorian Britain to date? In that case, point taken.

OK, I have two questions: