Hannibal A Portas

I might have made it sound like he was rude to her about it. He wasn’t. He knew it was an issue for her and they talked about it and the reasons. She had the choice to go on the trip or not, it wasn’t mandatory. She was made aware of his expectations before they went. We aren’t Hindu, it’s not like she’d had to break

Just look how the ignored the shooting of Philando Castile. 


Eww, but probably!

I know he was defending his home. And it's a clear enough case that the NRA would have to agree. But notice they aren't pointing to this as an example of "good guy with a gun"? I think we all know why.

A friend and I took our daughters to see Britney Spears. They were in kindergarten, it was the Oops I Did It Again tour. We were mildly surprised to see the number of older teens, 16 and up, in attendance. But stunned to see women our age, 30s, there with no children at all. 

Rolling my eyes so hard!

How do you suppose the NRA and all the trumpanzees would characterize Bun B shooting the armed intruder in his garage, good guy with a gun or black on black crime?

You make a good point. I think in cases of keeping Halal or Kosher it would be inappropriate to ask. 

And sometimes you do it even when it’s outside your personal code. My vegetarian daughter was visiting a foreign country with her professor and a few other students. They knew they’d be having dinner a couple of nights with people kind enough to open their homes to them, people without a lot of money generously

I had to be hospitalized after taking sulfa. I was only in my early 30s but am allergic to most antibiotics. I broke out in a rash that quickly turned into painful blisters. I had the corticosteroid treatment and was fine in a few days. Nobody told me it could be fatal! I'm so sorry about your mother.

I didn't think you were bitching. The other poster was. But I could tell your concern was genuine and wanted you to know. It is a terrible thing. Everyone should be able to worship in peace and safety. 

It wasn’t even a while ago, it’s an ongoing problem resulting in the Rohinga refugees camps in Bangladesh

Splinter posted a story at 1:32, less than 20 minutes after Orange plus first commented. And more than an hour and a half before Orange plus posted a second time to bitch.

I like your song. I make up songs for my girl too. 😊

Hooray for Ruby! What a good girl. 😊

That cupcake is too cute!

Animal friendships make me so happy! So, tell me poor Trooper is feeling better now. 😧

We stay in bad relationships for many reasons - depression, insecurity/poor self esteem, being told nobody else can or will ever love us. There are cultural reasons, or feeling like you’ve invested so much time already that you have to make it work. Having history with someone is a strong motivator. But whatever your