It would still get him out of his federal time. And a lot can happen between now and his state trial.
It would still get him out of his federal time. And a lot can happen between now and his state trial.
How long before trump uses this as justification for pardoning Manafort?
I’m sorry you’re having such a rough week. You don’t have to apologize for venting. We all need support.
I think this may be my favorite of all your nails!
That doesn't seem bad to me! Enjoy yourself.
Every Friday on Groupthink we post Fur Face Friday so everyone can share pics of their furry, fluffy, and feathery friends. Yesterday it was linked from backtalk. It goes up around noon and we'd love to ooh and ah over pics of Archie!
No problem, we all need to vent sometimes!
It's absolute bullshit! In the meantime, just like Friends, we'll be here for you.
Well shit, I'm really sorry.
He's adorable!
What sort of coping mechanisms do you have until you can see the therapist? There are some good touch therapy videos on YouTube, along with easy meditations, ASMR. One night I was having a full on panic attack here and someone suggested nail art videos. It sounded silly but I was desperate so I tried watching and damn…
That sucks about your health insurance. I could go into my “health care is a right” rant but I’d just be preaching to the choir.
Archie is so cute!
That's quite a smirk on Marlin! I'm glad Ripley is recovering.
I'm happy for you Maya.
And really awful is a lot more fun than mediocre.
That all sounds wonderful. Especially the bread pudding!
They are very cute! Tell us what you ate.
Of course it will be awful, that’s part of the fun! I’m looking forward to your review.