Hannibal A Portas

Yes! The dog doesn't always have to be the red shirt.

Aww, thanks!

I totally get it. I sort of want to know what everyone is talking about but I am afraid it will gut me. * hugs* if you want them.

Thank you. It's not always easy to recognize when you're in it.

It was much less dramatic but  still felt wonderful!

Wow, that's got to be a lot to process. I'm glad you had the opportunity to spend the time with them.

Thank you. She and my therapist keep reminding me that recovery isn’t a straight road but a twisting path up a mountain. It’s just, ugh, I’ve been here so many times before. Still, I'm having much less self loathing than I did last time I relapsed so that’s progress. 

Good luck!

Congrats on the seminar and the book idea!

I can’t decide who’s luckier, the kitties feel having you or you for having the kitties. I decided it’s a draw.  But we are the luckiest for having all of you! 

OMG! Shelter cats and a Muppeteer? You are my hero!

I love those books! 

Thanks, If I know there’s a happy ending I might be able to get through the sad parts.

I may brave it at some point.

That's great, lol!

It's an ITMFA button. 

Thanks for the warning! You can use DoesTheDogDie.com to be sure before watching anything you aren't sure about. 

I shut down a troll at a public meeting I was at today. And a young woman approached me afterwards to say thank you. We hit it off instantly, spent the next 30 minutes talking, exchanged contact information, and she gave me the button she was wearing before we headed on our respective ways. It was a good day. 

I'm sorry Springboard. I often find it difficult to let go of the negative emotions I'm feeling. And well meaning suggestions on self care sometimes just add to my stress! So no advice, just understanding.

I'm sure it's well done and beautiful but that stuff wrecks me! I'd be calling my therapist for an emergency session. No exaggeration.