
FYI: The Dr Emilio Lizardo (account: paging-doctor-parody) imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT the

Sure he’s a misogynist, but let’s not forget his history of enabling bigots like Bill O’Reilly. and Glenn Beck. And there's his holding up a sign with the n-word written on it during his CNN show. Forget Don Lemon!

Plus I vigorously disagree that any news outlet should be gatekeeping newsworthy figures, no matter how problematic. By all means, interview them, ask tough questions, expose logical fallacies. Most of these people will do the heavy lifting for you. But to just say we’re not going to have them on is cowardice and insul

The fact that he waiting until now takes a bit away from his supposed outrage with the network. Since he waited until he was fired to go on about it (CNN has been platforming these people since at least 2016). That isn’t to say it hadn’t gotten worse under the recently fired CEO. But it is to say that Lemon had no

Al Capone was taken down for tax fraud. Take what we can. 


Watch Trump claim he’s pregnant to try and get out of any jail time.

Calm down. How about Massie and the GOP normal up?

Massie is one of the dumber bigots in the Republican caucus.

I hope the cops beat him up a little too though.

Fat white GOP: “Well, actually, we don’t really attribute those to gun violence. See we count that as a rare instance of a teacher’s death at school, like falling down the stairs or getting hit in the parking lot! So, no, no deaths whatsoever due to guns.”

you throw this in at the end and it basically undermines your otherwise decent points... how is this relevant? should we open this can of worms? athletes from many sports - men and women - will go play overseas to augment their income even when they’re already making relatively great money. how many bands and pop

I believe she was wrongly imprisoned, and I don’t know why you’re so quick to believe she did what Russia accused her of doing. 

I believe she was wrongly imprisoned. 

oh my god fuck off, it’s an UNJUST LAW you dumb fucking idiot
In the wrong time and place you could be imprisoned for a stupid fucking username, but that doesn’t make it right. Way to go full fascist tho

People really need to stop using the money as a reason to attack her. Women athletes are paid shit. Yes, Griner was wrong to brings drugs into Russia, we all know. And we also all know that a blonde idiot brought in several times as much and was let out in very little time. The issues us the inequitable sentencing

No drunk Don Lemon on NYE is like Christmas without a tree, no candy on Halloween, checking account with a negative balance...lol! We live for Lemon on CNN acting up. 

Walter Cronkite was on his fifth glass of scotch during every nightly broadcast.

Licht is really out to ruin CNN like Elon is ruining Twitter, but in slow motion. He could balance this out by bringing back Kathy Griffin for NYE though.

A “suit” is boring.  Film at 11!