
She's a politician, elected by the people of NYC. Give her a break

Ladies and their YA fetish. This crone can’t ever remember fawning over Ann of Green Gables or Nancy and those Hardy boys.. Eileen Myles’s Chelsea Girls wiped that away along with Jim Carroll’s Basketball Diaries or SOMETHING ELSE other then comforts and cuddles. I like a good song too, but I’m 56 and didn’t think

Old haole men always think they have to chime in. don’t nobody give a shit what South Cackalacky from Buttplug thinks.

I feel like SNL couldn’t have written it any better.

He deserves to be the first sycophant thrown under the bus. Or does he SDNY?

I had to stop, drop and roll at your situation. Touche! Ah. fuggin’ hilarious.

Do we?

DIY, natch.

I come back to this ghost town that is kinja and old Gawkerverse,

Dave Ramsey? Sigh.

Dave Ramsey? Really Lifehacker?

Should an impeached POTUS even be able to do this? 

Nilus, you nasty!

wind powered turbines rotating cause cancer, oh honey...

He doesn't know shit from shinola. 


They had the car and his phone. Didn't need his fucking LIFE to issue a citation. Burn it all down

2 weak-ass, white cops were not able to get this DRUNK BLACK MAN into a murderous choke-hold, he threw them off and grabbed their taser and used it on them. They fired into a public place to murder this ‘disposable’ black man for nothing but REVENGE. FUCK THE POLICE

He’s the ass-end of The Human Centepede known as the Trump Administration. He just beat out incumbent ass-ender Kelly Anne