Figure out your audience
Figure out your audience
I only swing by this unfortunate flying fluff site to read the comments such as these. Fly girl is anything but. Cut bait on this.
I like how all these protesters, and self-serving advocates or counterprotesters are all MEN.
Hey hey! How bout a nice cold Budweiser, sports fan.
Wow. I can relate. I had SRO at the infamous Bartman game. Seeing grown men bawl and the feeling of 30,000 people wanting to punch a wall or kill that poor guy was wild.
That was me too.
It cracks me up being back on the mainland after living in Hawaii where the locals have no idea what a “flip flop” is.
You tell ‘em Petey Wheatstaw....the devil’s son in law....
It happened to Jane and she is laughing all the way to the bank in her yoga pants. I want to hate the gal, but by gum, she played her cards right. Anyone who came up with Sassy then Jane, then walked out of the magazine to let the kids run it cause that’s the golden goose we all realize now...I have to tip my hat.
true dat. I updated yesterday.
When was this app ever a pain? It’s the least painful app I use. Disclaimer: I live in Boston.
No chairs were thrown? When I was a bb player in an Illinois small H.S. -not far from the Hoosier border-every coach had to do his best pissed off Bobby Knight chair-kicking/throwing/breaking tantrum at some point during a close game. It was as prevalent as short silk shorts and tube socks with addidas shell shoes...…
Slay! You own me for the day and I haven’t even had my morning coffee.
I’m always wondering how in the hell the Dr. who suspect/find the proof. Go about busting the Moms with “we know you poison your kid and need help” Cause you know if she’s taken it this far, having a Dr. find her out would just make her game more exciting in her denial to the Dr. team. How’d you like to be the Dr.…
Yeah, this whole bit just owned me.
AAAnd he’ll put his best people on it. Stat.