I’ve had PDoc who would eat his lunch while he saw me. At the time I was so depressed I could give a shit, his wife was the therapist at the clinic and she would come in 1/2 late on the regular with shopping bags in hand. This was Maui.
I’ve had PDoc who would eat his lunch while he saw me. At the time I was so depressed I could give a shit, his wife was the therapist at the clinic and she would come in 1/2 late on the regular with shopping bags in hand. This was Maui.
I’m from Chgo and I forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me how fucked up that was.
I used to live in Chgo on the NW side. I lived right below a flight path.
wah wah wah...
Busted. You didn’t even read the story obviously, you saw the Headline and went ballistic.
I’m so over this woman I could spit fire. Attention-seeking Christian Fame-whore.
SO TRUE. I believe in equality and those things BUT....
“I believe in equality and all those things, but there seems to be this sense that men can’t have anything to themselves anymore,” Tantaros said.
Hawaiian pigin is an exceptional example of your point.
This headline was this week’s winner! I still snortle when I see it.
I havevReality Show Fatigue. It’s like that “Black Mirror” episode (oh and I ain’t got time for smizen when you got streaming TV) on England’s Sky TV where everyone will have to win a talent show to get out of their dystopian existence) the talent shitshows are on 8 nights a week so I got the shivers when I watched…
That’s exactly it. Alcoholics before they know/admit it, learn how to hone their alcoholism in college. Including yours truly. It’s cute, midly annoying, praised while you’re in college, but when you get older and you notice the rest of your friends don’t black out EVERY time they drink, lose their wallet, can’t find…
Love the headline and love the story.
Yawn. This town didn’t get rich on the winners, you know. #winning
Rock and roll. Rock and Roll. Rockinrollrockinrollrockinroll!
First thing I thought of this story was , “oh great, now females who are over it with the sex shit have no excuse to tell their viagra-ed sig other that, it’s just the way it is, you know, females are different when they get older” I cry conspiracy. I am one female who thinks this is a perfect example of a drug that…