
Oh my god. I REALLY hope they aren’t treating any survivors of sexual assault or sexual abuse. Are they like Christian counselors or something? Because then that might make some kind of sense. It would still make absolutely no sense, but I’m just saying I’ve seen it before.

Licensed counselors?!

Of course she should be mad at the restaurant. They are in charge of the THIRD PARTY SERVICE that does these online bookings. j/s

At long last, a subject where I actually know what I’m talking about.

Expensive and unnecessary? Well-off parents are all about that. That’s a feature that allows them to show how much they care about their little Jayden. Toddler milk will be a big hit. 

 Depends how hard you squeeze 'em.

You feel the customer should have called in addition to the steps the took through the restaurant's booking system, but the restaurant didn't owe the customer a phone call when they discovered their error? 

I run the access control system for my rather large office building. One day, doing a very minor update, I accidentally locked all the doors that lead from the basement parking lot into the building. The basement parking lot where all executive staff park. The basement parking lot that doesn’t have phone in it and

Oh come on.

I think this is one of those situations (like many) where you are technically in the right but acting on it makes you a douche. I agree that this sounds like someone screwed up their computer reservation system and left the restaurant open on the holiday, but people are human, they make mistakes. If you spend your

Dear Salty,

Do the restaurant a favor and never go.  Because you will definitely bring this up to 5 people who have no control over the automated system and will be unpleasant to everyone.  Do them a favor and hold your little grudge inside

It’s all very sad. Many years ago, I read every page of the police interviews with both Kobe and his accuser. Remarkably, their stories are very, very similar, except on one point: consent.
Kobe thought she consented to what was basically “rough sex.” She said no several times to what he was doing, and at the point

He also in that same interview admitted to cheating on his wife frequently with another woman, so I wish people like Leslie would stop with the “he was always such a saint when I was around him, so he couldn’t have done anything bad ever” crap. She can STFU with her “I didn’t personally see it, so I can’t believe he

I feel like some people don’t understand that you can hate what he did and still be sorry that he lost his life at the same time. You can feel more than one emotion at once. 

Well written, smart, fair piece. Hope you don’t get roasted for it.

Same....the bottom fucking line is to get King Clownshoe and his dumbassed minions both related and not the fuck out right now.

Regarding your link, I was unaware of this oasis of serious, sticking-to-sports-ness, in a desert landscape of finance bro shittiness. Blessed be you.

A part of me wants to know if the discord actively contributed to this dude’s child porn stash. If so, I hope the FBI tracks them down as well. But another part of me wants to believe the Nintendo fans in said Discord would report such stuff to authorities.

I’m not surprised that a few wannabe “hackers” keep a stash

From the WaPo article, local hate crimes went up by well over 200% in the aftermath of a Trumpolini rally. The same thing happened when The Birth of a Nation was released; White crowds would see the movie and then go out and attack the Black community.