
Hey, at least it’s a term that people might know and have had defined for them in the past. Probably by HR in a serious meeting. 

I spent a week getting my post number up on TWOP so I could have whatever the hardcore-poster title was before it shut down. I commented shit on shit just for the clicks. So at least you were in before the boom fell, I guess? 

That sucks.

And while I’m not a pro PR person, it pretty much writes itself that if gas prices jump or the economy dips, Ford can just transition some of these cars being built elsewhere back to the US market with a “Ford hears and Ford cares...Ford cars” approach. 

slow clap

I would not be at all surprised if American corporate partners were sweetening the deal for him to play for the US. After all, the endorsement dollars from a third tier US product are probably more than he’d see in Europe barring superstar status. 

I think your knowledge is valuable here.

I gorged myself silly at the Moscow McDonalds in the early 90s. I was never even a big fan, but it was familiar and available for the first time in weeks. 

I think that’s worth exploring.

This isn’t on topic to the article, but I had to spend the weekend with my MIL who would object to the use of a potentially nonwhite kid in the stock photo as part of a conspiracy by “them” to supplant “us” as the “normal” in media.

Back when I used to go to a local McD’s, every now and then a team from the corporation that owned all the local franchises would come in and, basically, scream at everyone for not doing things as efficiently as the manual. It was terrible employee management and it showed as the quality of their restaurants kept

Agree and Agreeability.

It’s not a proper Stassi article without a mention of The Amazing Race, please. 

When I took the TMZ bus tour of NYC once upon a time, the tour guide “joked” that he wasn’t allowed to say much about Donny as he was a friend of the owner.

I don’t have much to add, other than the whole collection of right-wing misinformation was presented whole cloth by my ignorant in-laws this weekend as unquestionable fact.

I’d like, purely for fan purposes, if they could add Corsie as a stabilizing influence at CB, too. 

Fishlock, Williams and Betos all being hurt damaged that team more than Allie Long being away. That probably helped their turnover rate and foul rate.

I grew up with friends that idolized the Doors. Because it was a good excuse to take drugs. Even the people that “liked” them didn’t care about the music. 

Having grown up with Canadian Content regulations, I’m going to have to put Rush and Triumph a lot higher on this list. After we hear from Kim Mitchell...

I don’t make much more than that, but I don’t have to watch every calorie that nears me and work out hours a day just to stay employable, much less the 300 lb guy part of it. Although I guess maybe some workout would be good before I’m the 300 lb guy.