Harris has been fiery on twitter today too, including covering this moment and calling out Krieger for getting in her way on another.
Harris has been fiery on twitter today too, including covering this moment and calling out Krieger for getting in her way on another.
I know Syd isn’t fully game ready yet, but if Skinner had gone to her 20 minutes earlier she had a real chance to win the team scoring title this season.
I always wonder about this when I’m in court and grandparents are being lauded for stepping up and taking in grandkids. I mean, maybe they’ll do better this time, or maybe they weren’t the root cause*, but they’ve fumbled it away at least once.
This is one of those things that I’ve been struggling to work into my view of the world. I’m an old white guy and what was “acceptable” (or perhaps more correctly “common”) when I was a teen/college kid is downright wrong by reasonable standards. A lot of us “nice guys” have to realize that we were complicit in the…
Yet again we hear how it’s hard to be an oppressed white millionaire.
That is amazing.
We didn’t stay long because my inlaws are assholes and there were no slaves carrying drinks to VIP seats for them, but I heard more exciting music in a half hour on Frenchman than probably the last decade of going to see shows in random clubs elsewhere.
I cried like the weak man I am during the merchant marine display that opened up our tour. Jesus, what those kids went through...
I don’t know how authentic it is but the jambalaya at the Super Dome is one of the greatest stadium meals I’ve had--simple, real food (as much as sausage ever is) and not the prices you pay in some other places for another more than a hot dog.
Magary, i just went to NO with my wife and her parents, who hate everything. Beignets aren’t good because we have donuts at home. Jazz clubs aren’t good because we have bars at home. Black people aren’t good because, well, that’s a consistent one from my MIL no matter where she is...
And if you looked at the footnotes on the site, many times he (or his people) would state things like “MI hasn’t polled since May vs Aug for other states” (my paraphrase, of course) and people just went by the big shiny map and not the facts/statistics behind it.
I second the motion to Gilooly them all.
Your last sentence...it’s true. I feel that way all the time.
From my experience as a lawyer doing housing work--good. Force the profiteers and crooks out.
I hear your anecdote and probably can come up with similar ones about bad tenants, but I was a legal aid lawyer in a poor city for a decade and my bad landlord anecdotes ratio them 10:1..
I’d try to look up an answer to that question, as I’m curious too, but I’m a little busy crying.
Stop making me cry at work, please.
I am sorry for your loss.
It’s a Drew bit at SNL sketch length, but somehow, it worked.
I now really want to read this. And I’m really afraid of how many times I’m going to tear stain the pages or throw it in rage. (Better not read on the kindle.)