
Pretty much agree with you. I have to weigh his stupidity and benign racism vs. the Conservative agenda and Justin comes out ahead for me on that one.

I’m not regularly in the labor department of Deadspin, LLP, but the “fired after signing last chance agreement” is pretty bad practice.

And an aversion to Spanish. 

My thought process, pretending I can throw a football with near NFL-level skill, is 1) is throwing to D3-level receivers going to hurt my marketability? and 2) can I get paid enough to retire anyway?

I hope this doesn’t become hot take fodder about small market or Canadian teams, because this is all about front office failure. 

I like when I can remove books from the TBR pile when the writers out themselves as offensive simpletons. 

I wouldn’t want you to be Underwhelmed. 

/Barbaro reference

Thanks for some sincerity. I won’t expect it regularly around Deadspin, but it’s nice now. It’s a problem because, me and her, we do okay. It’s her being welded into an inflexible family structure with terrible people that I’m having trouble processing.

I feel this is true. And I wonder about the end game.

My local Dems are like this and they’ve pushed so many young people out of the party.

And he could do this, in part, because his family was already wealthy and he didn’t need to depend on the paycheck.

Piggybacking on your comment—hotel is always the answer. Even if they are relatives you love and want around. If you can call it a treat and get them the spa hotel, go for it, but even if it’s just a nice clean room.

This may be admitting how dumb I am, but that x7 thing is not an argument I ever thought to make.

Good for them.

My mother and my sister are the same person, but my sister likes to claim she’s my laid back, post-caring dad just because she only has 85 panic attacks a day compared to mom’s 87.

One trailer thing I don’t get is why they so often play slasher flick trailers at comedies. I imagine it has to do with the same braindead teen demographic, but I’m old and weak. I’m going to have nightmares from whatever hell Ben Stiller is unleashing, I don’t need stabby clown images too. 

Exactly what you said.

I think Drew needs to put the weed down while typing these, because wow that was bad. Salty Waitress sort of bad. 

Power pop is cool like that.