
Might be viable in a rural area or in some place out west miles from anywhere, but in Manhattan the missed shots are more likely to end up someplace bad, and shots on target are unlikely to help stop the car in any significant way.

I think he’s talking more of the possibility of the bullet missing the tire or going through the tire and ricocheting off the ground. I’m sure if there’s even a 1% chance of that happening, with the number of people who were around, that’s not a chance the NYPD wants to take. That’s a lawsuit and a half.

Just about any RWD car with 300Hp or better can get loose on a wet road surface especially when too much throttle is applied. Natually it had to be a Mustang to demonstrate this effect.

it may be limited to 2 to 3 mph but what happens when it autosummons into the roadway and you get clipped by a car at 35 mph. Stupid people make mistakes and it has already happened

Entrusting your kids life with Telsa’s Tech.

Fun story. About a month ago it was one of the first sunny days of the year so I was riding my motorbike around town. I saw a cool KTM go by on a cross street so I followed him, wanting to say hi. Well, after about a mile or so he pulls into a subdivision and then into a driveway, and I reluctantly follow, wondering

VWs have a similar “feature”

I can’t wait for the Bun B - German Police twitter feud.

And then the electrical grid will self immolate.

Let’s not jump to any conclusions until more details are released.

IVI#1: Did you hear that Doug DeMuro bought a Skyline?

describes my FR-S test drive experience. Not that I was expecting turbo powa, but even up near the top of the rev range it didn’t pop. Maybe it was just the elevation, I can’t say.

It's like The Italian Job, but being Jersey, it was more like The My Great Grandmother was Half-Italian Job.

Yo Moran. Just because you flip a concave mirror upside down doesn’t mean you’d also flip the reflec... aw fuck it. LOL.

It was designed in foresight.

First you piss them off, then you hold their flag upside down...

It looks like some Cats were hurt during the making of this video.

Also, the car seems to have an “image loading” throbber going on the upper intake tunnel. Seems appropriate.