
Oh, yeah. Quint,too

I liked his site in the late nineties, before I knew better. I think Moriarty and Capone were the only worthwhile contributors.

I went to the Nacho Libre event and saw him in attendance. I think you’d have to give a mildly wider berth.

I think he just sticks his feet out and waits for a young lady to brush against them so they fall off.

I could follow it like the old days. It gave me hope that will be utterly destroyed as I click a few more articles.

I check in maybe once every 2 to 3 days now. It’s a piece of shit, it used to be a delicious hamburger

Here’s Where the Strings Come In is highly approved for a drive!

Also, The Simpsons intro was always worth sticking through with their chalkboard and couch gags (the theme is as classic as it gets, too).

They could just add some prestige to the whole process and release a quarterly least-skipped intro for new and/or original programs award which could encourage those who make the decision to include title sequences inclined to keep producing them.

Exactly. I used to enjoy coming here daily before bed or whatever. Now, I check in maybe two or three times per week hoping to see a familiar commenter.

Phew...I remember you

Yay The National, Hiss Golden Messenger, and a few others

Why is the electrician in the background laughing instead of rewiring some shit?

Wolf Parade was the wolf band that I liked. I never did get into any of the deer bands.

Half & half.

Carving up the Arctic

It must be strange to be at Wal-Mart, looking for your bandmates, and only Seeing Other People.

Darknet? That's gotta sting a little.

I'm sure he feels bad about it. Don't give him mo' dern guilt.

The urge will come Beck to you soon enough.