
The cuss you say?

Easy solution: Levar should from now on say, "Shit, don't take my motherfucking word for it!"

Take that, feminists!

As evidenced by a sad trip to an unnamed fast food chain with an indoor play place, they are quick learners. Hell, I'd close on Sunday too if the previous Saturday had a couple white kids yelling,"N____rs, n____rs everywhere!"

I want to add that Iron Fist was at least consistently mediocre from beginning to end. Luke Cage however had me all in for the first five or six episodes and turned to utter shit at the end. So, hopefully there is a lesson to be learned in there.
I liken it to being in one of two romantic relationships. When I dated

That's good news because I want to like it.

Glad it's not just me. I'll continue watching since I will watch just about anything with Paul Rudd (his intro was my favorite part so far…that and the archery scene), but I barely scraped through episode 3 so far.

In one of the scenes where they are in an office setting, there is a bookshelf with books published in and around 2014. I just wanted to point out my keen observational skills. And by books, I mean The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill Lepore, though I assume there are a lot of other not-period-authentic titles.


Great album. The only Fugazi album I have on vinyl if that means anything.

You were a Dildo. I think that's what the fans are referred to as.

What's amazing about their catalog is I can look at all the lists here and not strongly argue against any of their ranking order. Even Instrument, at the end of almost all lists, is solid in it's own way.

whatever insect may wander around his asshole probably will

I agree. Except maybe Repeater at the top for nostalgia sake since it is what got me into them circa 1989 at the ripe age of…12, 13?

That's a good way to get around it since you are essentially covering your hearts ears.

"Ahem…maybe invite the late 90's?"

I think he had like a million songs available for download exclusive to that site. He's the attention seeking version of Robert Pollard.

That's a good comparison. I liked one Kanye album back in 2004 and lost interest after he became a jackass and even more so when he became one with reality TV.

If I Am A Stranger is in the my top 100 favorite songs ever (probably…too lazy to invest the thought, but it is great)

Which pisses me off as I told her mom exactly how to pronounce it as we filled out the birth certificate.