
My wife buys LuLaRoe clothes from a few of her friends - she really likes the clothes and they look pretty good on her. Then she brought up becoming a distributor mainly so she could buy the clothes at cost. I looked into the startup costs - $5,000 buy-in. That was when I just straight up said no. But friend 1 is

Yeah, nearly all the people I know involved with MLMs are Stay-at-Home Moms that recruit other Stay-at-Home Moms.

Yeah...I think the stay-at-home mom demographic is definitely susceptible to these “Multi-level Marketing” campaigns. A good chunk of the women I know from high school who are married with Kids are posting different MLMs on a near daily basis.

I would love to have been exposed to this bullshit three times in my life. It’s been three times this week, and I’m still not buying any essential oils, nail wraps, or weird face wash.

But that’s what I’m saying? It seems like women get these pitches in a more insidious, low level, ongoing way, i.e. $40 for leggings here, $60 for a pizza stone there and men get the big ticket pitch, but with less frequency.

You have excellent taste in music, but not leggings!

I mean, the OP was exaggerating but this thread (and my Facebook feed vs my wife’s) kinda proves the “male privilege” point.

I dunno. Anecdotally at least I can say that I’ve never once seen a guy pitching one of these things on Facebook, nor as a man been pitched to. It’s not because guys are less gullible and don’t fall into the traps, I think it’s just that the marketing of so many of these products focuses like a laser on women these

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I would never tell someone I’m not in the market for pizza slice patterned leggings. Can I have yours though?
p.s. exile is the best rock album ever

I saw a pair with freaking cauliflower heads and peppers on them. Why? And why would I pay you $35 for them? I’m about to be sucked into an R+F pitch this weekend, I can feel it...

This is so true. My wife has no less than 5 close friends who sell Lularoe (one “owns” the business with her husband, poor guy). Fortunately, she has realized that cheap leggings from Target are of much better quality.

She was joking, but they do seem to be often pitched to women. Mary Kay is by far the most famous example, that just about every woman I know seems to have been invited to join at least once.

That’s only because that’s the rage right now in schemeland. About a decade-15 years ago it was Pre Paid Legal, Real Estate, Mothballs in the gas tank, and plenty of dudes reading Rich Dad Poor Dad which primed them to sign up for every scheme out there. The sport drink market is where you find the boys now.

I was thinking the same thing a couple of paragraphs in, and I’m a gross dude.

A woman I went to law school with is constantly peddling that crap. She’s a goddamn lawyer, who’s polluting her networking with crappy beauty products.

They reinforce the idea that women shouldn’t be working outside the home and should jump at these “opportunities.” They promise you can make a decent income on a few hours a week. No thanks, I’ll punch a clock and not have to harass my friends, thank you.

And this has been around for a while. I had a friend who, after college, tried to get me to buy cosmetics from her for my mom for Christmas. My mom doesn’t wear (that much) makeup. The fact that I had to turn her down - multiple times - put a dent in our relationship. Nowadays it is kind of funny because you can see

These aren’t just random high school classmates. These are intelligent women with four year degrees from private schools! I block them all on facebook / instagram.

The women trying to guilt you into buying their shit.

Uh, he’s bang on...my sister gets like five of these pitches a year...it seems like every other month some “old friend” has looked her up to pitch her on one of these things...in my entire life I’ve had two...the first was a travel one that I literally said to the guy “this is a scam, I am not an idiot, don’t bring