
The one bad thing about the Droid was that it had Moto's own UI. I've received maybe one update that arrived half a year late. Since then, there's really no alternative besides the Nexus phones from Google. I hope that will change in the future though.

They may not be cheap, but to me they feel like it. I've dropped both my Droid and my Nexus S rather plenty and the latter gained far more scratches. Also, it looks more plastic-y, because it is. But: Yes, of course it's an opinion. What I like about the Nexus S design is the organic feel - it's round and very easy to

I loved the original Droid. It was built like a tank, looked nice yet different from all iPhones. If they'd add a decent camera and wouldn't screw with the UI (thus allowing frequent Android updates!), I'd buy one in a second. I like the Nexus models built by Samsung, I just hate that they feel so cheap.

Rams' final design principle: "Good design is as little design as possible." Transfer that to the tablet and you get nothing but a rectangle.

...and there's so much potential for confusion! I mistake supermarkets for GUIs all the time.


Yeah... an inflatable pillow that makes the space between your chair and the row in front of you even smaller? Sounds great, I'll take two!

The Kitchoo website's german version is just as horrible.

True. But keep in mind: A tablet is supposed to be very basic and simple in design - one object with a display on the front. It's not like a PC where there's a case, a display, a keyboard and so on. Or actually, it is if you combine all these elements: Then you've got an all-in-one PC like the iMac - and, again, very

And what a beautiful and useful design it was. I think I saw an interview with Moggridge in "Objectified" where he showed how they even made sure you couldn't lose a pencil in the gap behind the display. You can be sure than such elegant design would be patented nowadays.

How many times have you been told that you look like Peter Sellers on that picture?

I believe english is Jesus' second language, so I've got sympathy for a little spelling or grammar error here and there. I'm german and you wouldn't believe the mistakes I make after 9 years of english in school and years of regular practice. Or maybe you would, even after reading just a fews lines of text.

Yes. And there's actually a lot more history behind the RCA logo than just "people like dogs": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His_Master%27s_Voice

Yeah well, Macs had already been legacy-free before the year 2000. So yes, she has a point. On the other hand, Windows 2000 run incredibly stable so it's no wonder why it's also used in photo booths. I mean, do you really think manufacturers of these things would use Apple hardware?

Thanks for explaining.

I interpreted the article as if they where. But you're right, now I'm not sure anymore. So people drink more coke elsewhere than in the US? That would be even more interesting. (It's just been a few yours since the world had to learn that Americans are not the fattest people on Earth - that honor goes to the Scots.)

I think even judging from a legal point of view, this might not necessarily be considered vandalism as a sticker or a piece of paper can be easily removed without destroying the surface underneath it. At least that's the difference in Germany: tagging = defacement, scratching = vandalism

I have never heard a German (or European, for that matter) say something else than "cola" or "coke" (okay, "coca" in France) to order said drink. I have to admit, I didn't even know that soda and pop mean the same thing as coke.

It's been one day now and I still don't understand what you want to say with "Gay people use nature as an example for their lifestyle".

I still have an Outlook file at home containing an e-mail from 1999!