
Indeed. Also, why are there icons in lighter grey showing you more states of weather? Even if this would be a physical wheel, I wouldn't consider it as good design unless it showed only the actual weather. This is just some retro stuff.

My guess would be that they are able to take that into account. Also, how is this different from offline behaviour? Some people use the phone more often than others, some talk less to friends than others. Agreed, maybe the ones that talk less in person are actually those who use Facebook more often. But in total, I

I gotta say, I almost never replace anything inside my laptops anymore. But I detest the idea that it's not even possible to do so. So no, no "best laptop ever" for me.

When they have to decide between pretty and informative, doesn't Apple always go with the former?

If only there was a transportation system capable of moving cargo in large quantities that already has these overhead electric lines installed...

I don't know what the big deal is. Food has always been processed after mankind left the caves, this is just a rationalized form. If millions of animals get killed every day, don't you think we should at least make the most out of it? If you don't like the idea of processed food, you will have to restrict yourself to

Exactly my thought. Probably not these two guys, but someone should get fired for such a violation of safety measures.

Oh GOD yes. It's so corny and, you know, DEEP, man. Kind of like the Tim Robbins character in High Fidelity if he wore a suit. That is to say, jeans and a turtleneck.

Very insightful. Thanks!

I wondered about that too. I mean, a quarter of a normal light bulb's consumption is nice, but somehow I thought the difference would be much higher, thus also eliminating the need for cooling. I think this is an example of technology needing to get better instead of expectations needing to go down.

Same with me. When I dry my hands, I want them to be really DRY and not just not-soaking-wet. Sorry, but I really tried his way of doing it and failed hard (that is to say, this method is a fail). I know it's only a matter of one minute to let the air dry my hands but I just can't stand leaving the bathroom with moist

I might be wrong, but I thought chips are one of those sealed products where most manufacturers don't use air inside the bags anymore but a nitrogen- or carbon-dioxide-based gas to prevent the food from oxidizing. This might increase the pressure-related problems.

True that. A lot of companies have been doing this for ages.

On closer examination, I wonder why "IKEA" links to the Engadget site, "Engadget" takes you to a YT video and "prices starting at 6,500 Swedish crowns (around $960)" become "it should retail for around $950"... #corrections ?

Is it just my impression or does the actual screen look a lot larger in the picture than in the video?

...and the sunglasses are made out of plastic, which is made out of oil. Oh, the irony!

I want to promote this comment so badly. Please Giz, can't I get a star just for that?

"Of 36 patients [out of the mentioned 70] with 027 C difficile infection, 32 (89%) had a favorable response", says the source.

"In fact, the study is one of the largest to date, involving 70 patients across 5 hospitals, and shows that 89 per cent of patients had a favorable response..."

So... I inhale through my mouth what I would normally smell through my nose? Also, can it really be healthy to inhale all this artificial flavouring instead of tobacco smoke?