
Does anybody have experience with a similar solution for Android? I've got an old Milestone lying around and I don't think a few bucks would be worth the trouble of selling it on eBay.

Fucking Germans. Nothing changes.

I think it doesn't look angry but rather sad. Because of Greece, maybe?

Nah, this isn't a shift in philosophy. They're making iPod docks for a while now. Somewhere along the way of Betamax, Minidisc and Xperia phones they must've realized they're just better at making gadgets for competitors' product lines than making their own lines work well together.

Funny that this is one of the few new smartphones you don't get a shot from the side of. Judging from the first image, this thing it fat.

Thanks. I guess you're right. Hardware wise, I'm quite ok with the Nexus S, as I don't take that many pictures anyway. Let's wait and see...

Thanks, nice review! The only question that remains: Should I update from the Nexus S to this or just wait for an ICS update?

Can anybody please tell me: What are the cited potential health issues regarding the smart metering appliances in question? Can I use my old tin foil hat or do I need a new one? If the latter is the case, please provide me with the address of a vendor that sells the needed hats I'LL PAY ANYTHING

Germans get blamed for everything these days.

Can I get a damn persistent menu button experience?

The same amount of people who put URLs they saw on posters and magazine ads into their browser does the same now with QR codes. Whereas the amount is zero.

music.google.com: "We're sorry. Google Music is currently only available in the United States" Yeah... "for All".

I'd call myself a geek, but I have to admit it took me three business trips to realize the company's tablet was in fact an iPad 2, not an iPad 1.

Well what can they do to change the design of a tablet? The basic idea ist that it's almost nothing more than a screen. Should they change the basic layout from rectangular to circular? Add a cupholder, or speed holes, maybe?

So your link goes to... hp.com. Well that's not very helpful, is it? Mmh, Giz?

From what De Luca said it sounds as if Logitech just built the box to match Google's wishes and slapped to OS on them without knowing what it's like. If that's the case, they didn't decide very wise. If they let themselves talk into some "it's beta now but wait till you see the final version", they didn't decide very

Thank god HP continues to produce PC hardware. What would all the rappers do without it??

OMG but I thought you'd need the latest Macbook pro plus serveral other Apple gadgets if you want to be creative.

It is a good job because these captchas are mostly terrible to fill out and this will accelerate some new way of "proving" that you're human to a website.

Also, wouldn't a snakeskin cover be the better idea? Followed by hilarious neighborly reactions and, probably, a lawsuit.