@brillow: Yup, I didn't understand the article without your comment.
@brillow: Yup, I didn't understand the article without your comment.
@SgtBeavis: Nailed it!
@alexmg2420: Well, at least I would never do that at home! I can of course read the news and drink coffee when I arrived at work and get paid for my time.
Why not for 2.2? I mean, I will be stuck forever with 2.1 anyway, but still.
So they invited Yahoo but not Microsoft? Great idea.
@Weiner: I hear they even made a deal with Bush to give away free poisoned coke to poor african children because they hate the blacks so much.
Sorry, but this whole Sense shit doesn't make any sense. Until Google gets it right with the hardware manufacturers, it's time to wait.
OMG Giz, the youtube videos are even larger in the old layout than in the crappy new. Pretty please with sugar on top, switch back to the old layout. Or at least keep the UK version, like, forever.
Oh common. If you're so afraid of your phone getting scratched, leave it in your pocket and use a headset. Or how about picking a phone that won't look like it spent a day in a lion's cage after you use it for 2 weeks? I've got no personal experience with iPhones, but from all this case nonsense I get the impression…
Nailed it...
@leGodt: I was looking for that too.
@Jeramy Bailey: I bet Werner Herzog is already preparing a movie, while Hans Zimmer is already writing a score.
@Rabid Chipmunk: Oh, I see. We got kind of a similar show on german television, but I don't know the host of that either. Glad I don't have a TV, I guess.
Narration and music sound like the producers watched a little too many Spielberg movies. It feels like Jurassic Park with people instead of dinosaurs!
@Cratilo: Are you sure it's not a Transformer?
Some of those I like very much.
@Mark 2000: I think comparing IBM to Big Brother was insanely great.
@Rabid Chipmunk: I've got no clue who that could be. Jessica Simpson? Britney Spears? Sarah Palin?
The Goggles attempt in the screenshot shows an utter fail at trying to translate a german news headline. I made similar experiences.
You can't even decide for a specific manufacturer based on that chart. It just shows that they all suck on updating.