
@RedEyeNinja: I too can't stand the fact that they write about gizmos and fun stuff here while there are people dying somewhere on earth.

Some champagne after the race probably would have been easier. Whoops, forgot about those damn islam laws...

I've seen two robots playing chess against each other at an ABB press conference this week. They didn't seem to have any concern in killing each other. So it's true, they only go out againt humans?

This Balmer video must have been posted here around 20 times now. How about something else when there's something to write about Windows? I bet you got more up your sleeves, guys.

It's not so much like giving away your old t-shirt. It's more like Sony producing iPod docks.

Yeah yeah, the Froyo people. I loathe you!

I miss the Frooch.

Oh how I wish I would even get 2.2...

@john_clavis: So you thank them so much for not calling it the Ing New York Marathon that you had to call it like this yourself. Ing New York Marathon. Ing.

@gigabrain: Me too. On top of that, giving Facebook your Gmail password is kind of stupid, too.

@pz: I didn't mean apps that are available at the Market but the core apps that you can only update via a System update which takes every handset manufacturer about a year to supply. I know that it changes with 2.2 but so far I am still waiting for this exact update for my Milestone.

This whole app policy on Android is so fucked up, and the same goes for system updates. If WP7 proves better regarding one of these problems, I might switch from Android to WP after less than a year.

I looked at the image and instantly thought 'Germans'. Close enough...

ZOMG, no Unibody! Apple must have some new incredible technique up their sleeves... Multibody! (boom)

"Humbly bends over on its hands and knees to serve as an altar..." Dude, did someone confiscate your porn collection?

"It's like dark chocolate peanut butter cups topped with blowjobs." - That's a far more disturbing advertisement for a Microsoft product than any of the videos that where posted here a few days ago.

Germans are afraid of progress and technology.

@jiveabillion: It looks like they're stranded somewhere in western Europe, so yes, they do.

He also shows off a nice amount of homophobia ("They might find their little butts in jail, right next to someone who's been there for years and is looking for a new girl friend."). Way to go for a guy with long hair, leather dress and a ton of make-up on stage.