
The only thing that's wrong with these pictures is that there are people in the world who have to life on the street. I think it's great if some could somehow manage to get/keep a laptop and be connected.

That's what really pisses me off with Android's battery indicator. It looks like half-full, but actually it's about 30% left. They should really fix this, it's just shady.

@e.denn1423: The shirt's obviously shopped. It's just the hair, which could also be fitted.

@Philip Han: His work is better than Iran's, to say the least.

Care to explain why you think he's crazy? Who knows how one reacts when someone breaks into your home. I'd probably run like hell or piss my pants, but I sure don't call a person crazy because he's got more courage than me.

I got an Android phone and I like the ads. Maybe it's because I spent three years being annoyed by WinMo.

Germany provides Iran with spying software and a whole lot of other products and services. The least they can do is help a little when it comes to taking down the dangerous results of that.

The figures may be decreasing, but it's the US retail market. Does that even comprise corporate purchases? Anyway, I bet the figures look a lot different in other markets where the iPad is much more expensive than in the US. Also, sales will go up once it's x-mas time again. Of course, the market for mobile and

The really sad thing is that by creating black minifigs, Lego indirectly declared all the original yellow minifigs to be white. You got the arabs, asians and south americans, and the "normal" ones - who in this sourrounding can only be white.

Wouldn't the caps lock also turn his commas and periods into semicolons and colons? Maybe I'm missing (patented) Apple technology that avoids such problems, but I think this is a hoax.

I think the hump was intended to allow fake shark attacks.

@xleo21: You can't reload a battery with a USB power adapter, e.g. - I hate those stupid cables with their different connectors. (Hint: iPod.)

Looks really nice, but I'm through with gadgets that got no USB port.

If the plastic is made out of plants, the chain's probably sugar cane - ethanol - PET/PP/whatever. You can call that "organic" if you like, but who knows what was growing on the sugar cane fields before.

Fun fact: Bahnhof means railway station in german.

Count me in on that dark blue piece. Or the light blue one... let's see how long it takes Motorola to update the original Droid to 2.2.

I guess the mentioned board sliding over the top of the bed's arms wouldn't necessarily protect precious heads if the vibration comes from a certain other source than an earthquake.

That's gonna be annoying.

Serenity now!