Hans Utter


Same here in a town near me with a pop. of 6500 in Colorado. There are at least 9 Mexican restaurants or eateries around here! Its amazing.

ah….food boners.

Geez, thats a lot of comments.

'Which is my daughter? And which is the cow?'


That's a fucking great eyeroll!

'This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Kyboside Ltd / Tummy Touch Music Group.'

Shit….I watched it for free.

Wendy is not my mum, but if she was…I would love her as much as I love my Wendy's down the road.

Fuck yes it will.

Semi-dump truck-exciting. It would of been such a pull at the heartstrings to have had Engene and little unbeknownst to them (alive or dead? Sasha) become blown up. That would have been fuuuuccked up. Scene rewrite please! I want Negan smarter than he is, to know about the bomb and how to use it to fuck Rick up.

lawl !

Nothing has happened all season. I thought the war happened last year when we killed all those army-esque dudes in the satellite station/bunker. #teamrick #praisesatan

But what I really want is…. 'Fuuuuuuuuuuucccck.'

I would prefer a funny quip, or possibly an overtly excessive rant line.

I saw a guy drink douche once.

Sure I do.

Yeah, that 'kneeling'(sp?)at gunpoint was odd as all get out. Why are you pulling your gun out Rick? Dwight just needs a friend.

Thanks for that. : )