

So the whole thing was a PR stunt from the get-go, huh?

did she ever get in any sort of trouble for showing those naked pictures of Hunter Biden? 

Well, it seems that people want her to face some consequences for her portrayal in a movie that we’re learning is not entirely accurate.”

Some people desperately need to get a fucking life.

For someone whose image is as polished and carefully managed as Beyoncé’s, I’m surprised she’s letting herself get dragged into this. If she’d just kept her performance the same while waiting to see how the case progresses it wouldn’t start to become a barometer reading of how guilty she thinks Lizzo may or may not be.

Beyonce, who uses Sri Lankan sweatshop labor to make her clothing products, is hardly the person we should listen to regarding ethics. 

apparently it’s something that happened on tiktok? i’m so bored

Movies are a reflection of the social fabric. I don’t think high brow art is what modern society will understand after generations of unaffordable/unattainable college. America barely understands how masks work.

The child is a sixth-grader. Literally ANY sexual intercourse with a 12 year old is rape. 

I guarantee you that Ferris grew up to be one of those Enron assholes, then he moved over to banking and was knee deep in the 2008 crash. Hated the character and hated the movie. His sister was right to feel how she did about him.

Because billionaire ‘philanthropy’ is almost never philanthropic. And in fact, it’s emblematic of a rotten societal structure. Their philanthropy is akin to waiting for a thief to let you borrow your own phone to make a call. Because they only have their billions to support their ‘philanthropy’ through deliberate and

Obviously other people’s mileage varies but I absolutely cannot stand Napoleon Dynamite and I still rate it as one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s right down there with Freddy Got Fingered.

Steve Buscemi worked as a firefighter after 9/11 completely under the radar.

She doesn’t get properly dragged for making Dr Phil nationally famous and almost making Dr Oz a US senator, so the keyboard warriors need to find something to yell at her about. This probably isn’t the thing she needs scolded for, but it’s going to keep happening every time she’s in the headlines. It would probably be

This is Mississippi, they probably cut funding for those services a long time ago.  

I mean they aren’t wrong about her land ownership there being the same as Bezos' or Zuckerberg’s.

She’s being criticized for -bringing a bloody camera crew- to a shelter.

the 12 yars a slave is a ridiculous. brad pitt was in the movie for what 10-15min tops? i dont even recall the scene of Northup handing him the letter only that pitt agreed he would mail the letter. thats how small pitt’s scene was. and in that time it would have taken a white man to do it. dont make such a leap

Yeah it was more a fable about doing the right thing even when it’s not popular or even likely to bear fruit.

I thought the whole point of Mockingbird was that Atticus couldn’t be the savior. The verdict was predetermined.