
IMO, Bohemian Rhapsody should be on this list too. Once everyone got past the “Wow, Rami Malek sort of looks like Freddie Mercury” reaction to the early shots, the movie was deadly dull and - also IMO - barely touched on Mercury’s personal life, which everyone expected. The fact that all members were not on board

...so her boyfriend was already an adult when he started dating a teenager. 😒

It has zero to do with the fact that she is black. It has to do with the obvious inconsistencies in her story, the fact that police aren’t actively looking for a kidnapped toddler, and the complete lack of any evidence this ever happened.

Can you point out Jezebel’s full-throated defense of this woman?

jesus fucking CHRIST. Does every fucking thing now need to be some big thing thats analyzed to death?? Now just saying something as innocous as “she looks like her mom” merits an investigation? I know this is Jezebel, BUT FUCKING HELL.

Not everything is worthy of a thinkpiece.

So if you were not alive you can’t have an opinion? Ok boomer. 

oh fuck off, she did more than her time and is remorseful

Way too much Ted Lasso.

I mean I love Lynskey to death, but this season was all about the younger actors, and Nelisse absolutely deserved a lead actor nom, and Hanratty, Thatcher, and Savoy Brown all deserved supporting noms.  I just cannot reckon with how five supporting actors in White Lotus were deemed better than even one from

Five supporting actress noms for White Lotus, yet not one spared for anyone on Yellowjackets?  Shenanigans!

My main takeaway from the last season of Barry, fully directed by Hader, was that every studio should be backing up a Brinks truck full of money into his driveway to get him to direct a feature film. I hope he’s fielding offers left and right, and I hope he picks something really interesting for his first feature.

Everyone can enjoy that.

Of all people that should have a greater understanding of how security works, or high visibility situations can go, she should have waited.

Well, okay, but here where Taylor says, “What I got, you gotta get and put it in you.” How about just, “What I’d like is I’d like to hug and kiss you.”

My thing is, if they’re a couple, why not take it up with her in private? why the need to go public with this?

The drag for Keke is that it’s going to cost her a lot of money to get rid of him because they have a child together. You know this “man” is going to milk her for whatever he can get.

You have WAY too much free time on your hands.

So wait...now we’re making fun of possible mental breakdowns.

“I don’t give two fucks but I’m telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real!”

I think there is a difference between an woman being a “Karen” and obviously suffering a mental health episode or maybe an adverse reaction to Ambien which is a real thing. She wanted off the plane because she was distressed and was clearly imagining things. I am SO SICK of this culture of filming people suffering