
To count yourself in that club is to embrace an ideology.

Well if China has dog appreciation, they shouldn’t allow a fucking festival every year revolved around eating them. I’ll hold back on posting any links about that, but it just pisses me off royally.

I wonder if Chapman would enjoy J.D. Salinger’s most recent work: Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things?? Let’s Find Out!

Isn’t this literally playing on one of the TV channels in ‘Idiocracy’?

Orange County, God, click bait, “people” named Savannah, Everleigh and Cole. The new VC Andrews novel sounds like shit.

The worst part of this aftermath is that eventually the Tibbetts family will be vilified by the racist right for not playing into their game. I’ve no doubt that the family will be made to suffer twice over.

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

You know what, I don’t get outwardly pissed at Jezebel or individual writers very often, but this whole article and it’s not-so-subtle subtext is horrible. It’s disgusting and y’all should be ashamed.

I just had 2 pets die in a 2 week time span for completely unrelated reasons. When you own a lot of animals, eventually they are going to die. This seems like fishing for a headline in a really gross way.

That’s ok. Whenever I hear “Him & I” it makes me wail about subject and object pronouns.

Please add Thomas Markle to the list of people we don’t want to hear about anymore.

Got my tickets. Even if you don’t want to see a rom-com, I recommend everyone take time to go see this movie over the weekend. This way it will crush the movie with Mark Wahlberg, a man who likes to beat up Asian-Americans for fun. 

For some reason it’s bugging me (and I’m not sure why) that someone traveled all the way to Greece and waited 80 minutes for a hamburger in Lindsay Lohan’s restaurant.

Does “wailing her hands” mean gesturing with her hands? Because smoking a cigarette in the car and yelling at young kids isn’t really that remarkable? I realize smokers are basically the devil now (and that secondhand smoke is very bad, of course), but it wasn’t like that in the late 80s/early 90s when her kids were

She’s actually been married four times. Don Johnson was both husband #1 and #3.

Woman actor......actress? Is it a word count thing or are we not supposed to use words like comedian and comedienne anymore?

Wrong movie. That’s not Buttercup getting married. It’s flower child  Jenny, not marrying Forrest, Forrest Gump

I agree with most everything you said, except that, thankfully, the victim of the stabbing didn’t die.

I would say it twice in fact.

So would you say that, just like the MySpace bulletins that demanded you repost them lest you be greeted in the night by some dead young girl ready to murder you, these scary stories have a cultural expiration date, meant to be consumed on the internet and the internet alone?