
Cue the HW suicide watch. Not kidding about this.

It is a flawless apology at least. None of this “sorry you were offended” fuckery. I am grateful he was able to clear this sadly low bar.

I wonder if this might also finally crack open the other pillar in Hollywood, that was rumoured to be the bedrock of Corey Haim’s fragile mental state.

You don’t just get to pass through King’s Cross and do anything with Platform 9 3/4 anyway. There’s an hour+ long queue to go through and a gift shop. You saved yourself a waste of time.

Noooo no no no no. Do not wish for Rumpy Dump to be assassinated. He’ll be a martyr to the psycho rightists out there, plus we’ll be subjected to having to hear about him fucking constantly in the form of fawning documentaries about the “tragedy” of his assassination.

what the trump, he’s got an NRA hat, why didn’t he just shoot the damn bus and claim he was standing his ground?

........Nathan Lane does not have an Oscar....

I work as far away from entertainment as possible (aero engineering), and I thought this was public knowledge.

I came of age in the 60’s and 70’s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different.

I will likely never see this, but knowing in advance that the dog doesn’t die DOES tip the scales in this movies favor.

You mean to tell me Taco Bell doesn’t serve freshly diced and seasoned kobe beef?

Your reading comprehension is poor.

The comment section thanks you for leaving Sandra Lee out of this.

He says he wants his social media to reflect the “fun vibe” of his office

“It says on your chart that you’re fucked up. Uh, you talk like a f**, and your shit’s all re*****d. What i do, is, just, like...ike,ughh, ya know, heh heh, you know what i mean? Like...heh hehe.” - DrBfixn (via Dr. Lexus)

I guess Mengele found the key to long life? Because Hitler would be 128 now.

Agree, this is very confusing and concerning. What mean, indeed. And, “put the tray between her legs”? Like...if she’s sitting on a lounge chair, they would put it at the bottom of the chair so she’d have to spread her legs open on either side to sit up and eat? I’m really confused by a lot of the word choice/sentence

This is a totally undoctored photo of Barbara trying to get on Space Mountain.

I grew up next door to one of her nephews and met her many years ago. I can confirm that she’s between 4' and 6' tall.